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Archive for the ‘Terror attacks’ Category

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Cricket is in danger of overkill, and the IPL and its imitators in other countries are playing a major part. We require a formula that preserves the novelty of encounters. The familiarity of combatants will breed contempt among viewers.

I am a fan of T20 and to my surprise I enjoyed last year’s IPL tournament. I have been unable to watch this year’s tournament because my concern is that Pakistan and its cricketers are being systematically marginalised by certain elements of the international cricket community. The removal of Pakistan’s champions from the planned T20 Champions League tournament is further evidence to support that view. I find it hard to watch tournaments from which Pakistan’s players have been deliberately excluded.

Contradictions. Paradoxes.

Kamran, you enjoyed last year’s IPl cos Pakistan players were part of it and likes of afridi were busy fighting with VVS. You liked then. This year your own PPP government banned your players crossing Wagah to play in India cos the ………………..(obvious reasons). So now you dont like IPL.

Damn you man. Pakistan was removed from CT hostage, World cup hostage and now RBC(S) cup champs are kicked out of CL later this year. Rather than pointing this to India or BCCI, go find whats happening in your country. Bombs in Lahore, Peshawar, Islamabad and every where. What do you expect ? More attacks like SL on world cricket teams ?

You guys blame India for everything that goes wrong with your cricket, but when it comes to eating a cake of riches, you want to be part of CL or IPL. When your players aint a part of IPL or CL, you hate it. Your cricket players meet with Modi, ex-players call IPL a tamasha. Rameez Raja blames IPL first and then bares his soul in IPL with some ridiculous commentary (along side other commentators).

Your players wanted to be part of ICL. Another Indian thing. Fascination for India doesnt go. You think you can kick us in the back, call us money brokers or whatever, you feel and then you want us to come back and embrace you in IPL or CL.

Say more of this stuff and I am sure BCCI wont pay heed to any PCB requests to help itself out of its mess. Remember BCCI is all powerful with money in its kitty. PCB doesnt have sanity, logic, pratical sense and moreover the money. So if you want us to help you out, keep your damned mouth shut and pack off Butt, Miandad to Swat.

Written by Sam

May 30, 2009 at 10:43 am

Time for PCB to clean the house

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Pic : Is he a new Vodafone ZooZoo? Oldest of them all ?

One more zoozoo act from Ijaz Butt when he sent a legal notice to ICC for stripping Pakistan of its world cup host. Worse, he feels India is behind this step. Yeah right. All ills in world cricket arise out of the BCCI’s hut. Isnt it?

Given following facts

1) There are series of bomb blasts and attacks on Pakistan security setup from the millitants ensuring a civil war is on. So how security is going to be arranged for the touring cricketers ?

2) With the terrible events @ Liberty Chowk, where cricket lost its liberty from terrorism, will any country tour Pakistan in the future? And given the fact that no team would travel to Pakistan how would PCB stage the world cup?

3) Whats the final security level going to be delivered to the touring team ? Forget the promises of president level and all that.

4) Will PCB finally take one right step rather than going to the wrong directions?

5) Will any player feel safe to travel to the ground from hotel and back amidst the terror threat?

what all options of cricket in Pakistan are possible?

Nothing unless the PCB administration is dumped. What have they done since the SL team attack?

1) Tried to get Chris Broad banned as he made a eye witness account for the attack.

2) tried to blame India for the srilankan team attacks.

3) Pakistan players were banned from IPL.

4) When the world cup was stripped again India was blamed. The security situation in India was put to question by Miandad and Butt. IPL was blamed.

Not a single step out of this seems to be towards fusing the problem and finding a solution . Cynical steps, looking at India for all its problems and then hoping for support, blaming ICC for its ills and ignoring the problems plaguing its own setup and security setup in Pakistan has all thats being done by PCB.

I am not even saying Butt and Miandad are the biggest enemies for Pakistan cricket. Saying that gives me flak and ire. calling names? Me calling them names is irrelevant. But something relevant is to do a look-in into their own setup and set things right.

Until then Pakistan should forget expecting international cricket returning to its folds. Grow up guys.

Written by Sam

May 10, 2009 at 3:50 am

When mind goes numb and analysis goes for toss

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ICL oriented, facts ignored, an invite to further trouble by asking world squad to play in Pakistan..ICL guys cant just get over the t20 fever n they aint even revolutionizing it like IPL. Dean Jones, there. Subhash Chandra is distributing goodies. Go get them!!

Written by Sam

May 5, 2009 at 1:11 am

Pakistan loses World Cup

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India had to move their high-profile league because of security fears,” he said, referring to the IPL, which was moved to South Africa as the competition clashed with India’s parliamentary elections.

Intiqab Alam gets it all wrong. Horribly wrong. The IPL was moved out of the country to South Africa not for the security fears but for the smooth completion and execution of elections in the country. And the security fears, if they are in India, they emanate from the terror threats from the land which was stripped of World Cup. Every body knows Ajmal Kasab and 9 others who showered terror in Mumbai on 11/26 were Pakistani nationals. The terrorists who attacked SL cricketers in Lahore were Pakistanis and Afghans.

So this pretendence of victim and self pity isnt going to help Alam and his cricketing setup. It would be good for him to look forward to the ODI series against Australia.

ICC has been just in taking the world cup out of Pakistan. And i wont be surprised if the world cup would be moved out of subcontinent (whatever that is) altogether, thanks to the Pak sponsered terror in the region. That could be a valid move cos we dont want the game to get affected to this useless jihadis (if you ask me i would like to shower lot of abuses on this terror elements)….

So as usual Pakistanis have been crying foul and sissy babies to see an ice candy being snatched away from them. Its amazing that they are ready to cry foul rather than have a strong will and eradicate their own bred terror elements from their western border…

Written by Sam

April 19, 2009 at 1:47 pm

Talibanisation of cricket

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There is no point in goin gung ho about Afghanistan making to world cup cricket (whenever and if they make it). We dont talibanis on the 22 yards, we dont need fatwas on the cricket field. We dont need grenades or rocket launchers on 22 yards. We dont need Hikmatyar followers on 22 yards. Pakistan cud well be playing its last series ever in cricket against Australia cos once Taliban takes over Pakistan, the cricket would be banned for obvious reasons and so no Pakistan team in future.

So it would be back to 1981 when we just had 7 test playing nations 🙂 All then we could see is Taliban IPL with teams from Pakistan and Afghanistan participating with riflemen, bombers and of course Azmal Kasab leading the way 🙂 Manmohan Singh will inaugrate the tourney when he goes in a plane to release Azmal Kasab to his native in Pakistan 🙂

Written by Sam

April 16, 2009 at 6:32 pm

Politics behind IPL.

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Is it the real reason that the government was unable to provide the security to the IPL ? Or it is something different. Let me probe:

Here are few things to ponder.

1. Lalit Modi has just lost the RCA elections to the state government nominee. Not that it would affect his power and stature in the BCCI and IPL. But for sure some petitions and court cases would come up against him. And they have come up. Its a puppet who rules the state government in Rajasthan.

2. Mr P Chidambaram, the honorable Home minister, the only shining star of this useless government has decided to up the ante on IPL by publicly discouraging it. I have been vocal on this. He has created an impression that India is an unsafe state to play cricket in. And we have been crippled by cross border terrorism. Rather than saying that come what may we wont let it affect our country and iPL, he went ahead and said I am a useless minister. Cannot provide security to the IPL. So does he feel that the 11/26 masters wont be listening / reading his statements and laughing ? God forbid if this public ugly row might create another opportunity for them.

3. The UPA state governments ruled out security, more shamelessly the maharashtra DGP. Assholes. They were caught napping during 11/26. And now they are just using IPL as an excuse to hide their monumental failure. Sad to see cricket being victimised in a state which is hostile, intolerant and ridiculously known to have its own anthem and agenda.

4. And the most horrendous intention of Mrs Sonia Gandhi. She is the most powerful political person in the country. The PM, VP and Prez are her puppets. Long back in 1999, mr Sharad Pawar had sabotaged the plans of Mrs Gandhi to be PM by citing her foreign origin as a show stopper. Unfortunately Mr Pawar got his way. After that Mr Pawar was kicked out. He formed another regional party and now he harbors the ambitions of being a PM in ruling UPA govt in the upcoming elections, something which Mrs Gandhi would never allow. He is BCCI macho man. Hurting him was the motive. And IPL was the biggest chance for Sonia and company to hurt Mr Pawar. She was successful. Point to note here is, the PM didnt speak a bit on this. All talking was done by Mr Bong and PC, the Anna.

5. MP, Guj, HP governments gave go ahead to IPL in their states. This states are ruled by the BJP, the principal opposition party and a power hopeful in this elections.

Now the question is will Pakistan government headed by Mr 10% allow its players to play in IPL, now that security wont be an issue. This is another fact that his own millitary and intelligence wing over which he has no control plotted 11/26 and 3/3. And thanks to this useless Indian government, the world now knows that Indian homeland is unsafe to play cricket in. Amazing isnt it.

Vote politics man. IPL is not kicked out for the lack of security,but for the vote politics. The very same reason for no action on 11/26 terrorists, the 08 serial blasts in different parts of country accused, the 7/11 accused and of course the 01 Parliament attack accused.

Sick sick !!

Written by Sam

March 22, 2009 at 3:46 pm

Security fears!!

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Sri Lanka needs a security report from IPL to be able to release its contracted players to IPL. Fair enough. They had that unfortunate attack on them. But then did they forget they are going to India which is not a SL or a Pakistan, which is not terror strife unless stuck from outside. Did they forget that India is as safe as any other country in the world. Touchwood. Of course untill….
Thats what a public row between IPL and the government does. An imaginary fear being cast in the minds of countries which themselves are unsafe to play in. Yet they come and ask for security clearence. Did India ask for the same thing every time they went in the Emerald Isle gripped with the civil war. 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006 (SA chickened out, India stayed back), 2008, 2009. Not a single time Indians went ahead and asked for security cover. Sachin and Saurav have been on target lists of the terror groups. Yet Indians didnt create any fuss.
Voice of Colombo for sure would have something nasty to say out here.

Written by Sam

March 18, 2009 at 4:31 pm

Stop begging guys!!

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Is he an idiot or a helper of terrorist groups in Swat area of what they call good Taliban ?


Messrs Kamran Akmal. Yeah right. We help them and they send 10 perpators to Mumbai to ……

SL agree to tour them and their team is attacked.

Chris Broad speaks out against poor security in Pak for 3/3 and he is being filed for a ban by great Ijaz Butt and Javed Miandad whose son has married Dawood Ibrahim daughter, Mumbai’s most………

We have IPL coming up in 25 days time, there is an ugly row in public between Home ministry, state govts and IPL. And bang on time Naseem Ashraf, the fly who was thrown out post General era in Pakistan, speaks that terrorists would target players in India!!

Bloody hell who sends terrorists to India ? GOD sent or Pakistan sent ? Or non-state actors ? Time for Pakistanis to stop begging Indians for help. Indians wont and shouldnt help a country which binges on terror and nourishes terror and goes soft on it.

Written by Sam

March 15, 2009 at 3:57 pm

Sissy Babies…

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Javed Miandad has to say this:

“I made it clear at the meeting to the Chairman (Ejaz Butt) that we must demand a ban on Broad for his remarks which are aimed at isolating Pakistan cricket. When he came for the one-day series with Sri Lanka he was satisfied with the security. But despite my insistence then he had said he could not comment on the security publicly as the ICC didn’t allow match officials to give statements. Yet he had no problems making fun of the security and our brave policemen at a news conference on returning home,”

Tauqir Zia has to say this:

“He has tried to damage Pakistan cricket’s image with his criticism about the security arrangements. How can he make these remarks when six policemen lost their lives trying to protect the visiting team and officials”.

And the ever affable Izaj Butt has to say this:

“The council agreed that we need to review the security plan which is implemented for visiting teams and to beef it up further. But everyone admitted it is going to take some time and convincing by the board to get teams to tour Pakistan again.

Saying this the esteemed personalities of Pakistan cricket forgot that their reputation has nullified and today no sane person wants to tour their country for cricket. Noone knows from where the terror would strike. And when Broad, Murali and Taufel said that security was lax, then there has got to be some truth in it. And if rather than working with the govt to fix the security issues, this high profile gentlemen spend their time to get their team boycott Broad, then they would just fool themselves and dent the Pakistan cricket even further. PCB has been acting like a sissy child whose candy has been robbed forcibly (read terrorists). And this one example provides the same instance of the crying act.

Written by Sam

March 6, 2009 at 3:01 pm

Gully cricket epitomes Indian cricket

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Why should IPL not be played after the attack in Pakistan ? Why should we put our cricket on stake ? Is India too an unsafe country to play cricket in ? Perhaps answer lies in the cricket games that go on and on in the country when riots happen and curfew is imposed. Gully cricket can never get better than here anywhere.

Written by Sam

March 5, 2009 at 1:33 am

Posted in India, IPL, Terror attacks