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Archive for the ‘SRK’ Category

Identity for Fake IPL player.

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Fake IPL player would disclose his identity on last match day of KKR i.e. on 20th May 2009. The date can’t get funnier than this. He also suggests he would retire from all forms of the game after IPL. Who bothers except knowing his identity. I have arrived on one. It can be wrong only if the bloggie turns out to be from the support staff or the owner himself, to which I don’t lay any claim. One thing for sure, next IPL season (if) we won’t see KKR, even if we see then we won’t see Sourav a part of it. I think he had enough of Aussie mess with him and enough of muscle pulling from entities that know little of the game called cricket which the proud lad has been playing since 1987. For now the only interest in KKR team is how many matches they lose without a fight and whether Brendie McCullum would ever captain any other team in the future? And of course who is this Fake IPL player (I know who he is, but then I need confirmation J)

Written by Sam

May 4, 2009 at 10:33 am

Stop your Emotional Atyachar SRK and Buchie Boo

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Have been reading the IPL fake blog which is creating flutters all over. One thing I can conclude for sure from the blog posts is that DADA is a hurt man. He is unhappy with the way he has been handled by the coach and owner of the franchisee. His pride is hurt, his ego has been dented big time. He is the best captain India has ever had and would ever have. He has ridiculed all the set rules, he has single handedly changed the mindset of the young cricketers in the country and gave them self belief that they can be the best if they work hard and not care about backing. He has been the leader of men in a country which had none. He has led his troops in a proud and remarkable way all the years. He has transformed meek abroad Indian teams to winning teams abroad. He has carved playing careers for likes of Dhoni, Veeru, Gautam, Yuvraj, Zaheer and Harbhajan.

Alright we all know this. But the treatment meted out to the great man has been poor and ridiculous. SRK has been vocal and diplomatic in handling this issue. In real sense he is the one who has messed up more on this issue than Buchanan. He anyway never was a coach, but a manager who never performs and always speaks jargons which mean nothing. His wisdom on the cricket field can be judged by a simple fact that he didn’t remove the stray balls off the nets in the run up to the 4th Ashes Test which ultimately his team lost and lost the Ashes in 2005. No need for me to tell who stepped on the stray ball and what happened thereon.

There were talks of dropping Ganguly out of the team. And get whom? Chopra or Bangar? Somebody whose selection in T20 itself is questionable. One of them is a Test batsman who at best could hold one end and make no runs. The other one was a dibly dobly wobbly bubbly. He last played for India in 2004. And since then he has lost even in the Ranji games. Who got them in the team? Certainly not Ganguly. Or some obscure Bengal Ranji player? One of them is the fake blogger as he mentions he was born in Calcutta. Who replaces the man of stature of Ganguly? And based on the cricket wisdom of a nachaniya SRK ? (haha I got sholay mindset). What good does he know on the game besides his routine terms “hot and cold” ,”hugs and kisses” and stuff like that ? IS he going to decide if Ganguly gonna play? If the great man flops, surely dump him of the team, but if you do it for politics or appeasing a dumb founded coach, then you make a ullu of yourself.

Written by Sam

April 27, 2009 at 1:25 pm

Multiple strategists or multiple captains?

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What do you mean by “group of “strategists” who would report to one on-field captain while making decisions” ? And how does that qualify that as multiple captain theory? Would SRK clarify on that? In my opinion he should shut his mouth on cricketing issues as he is not aware of the facts and certainly he is unqualified to comment on Sunil Gavaskar ’s observations on John Buchanan’s flawed theory. There is always a group of core strategists in every team and terming them as multiple captains is ridiculous. In Indian team whosoever the captain is, he always consults the likes of Tendulkar, Dravid or Laxman for their ideas when the things don’t go per planned way. In older times with Kumble around, Dravid as captain would always turn to him for advice. Or even in ODIs when Sachin plays, MSD turns on to him for some advice. That doesn’t make the consulted players as multiple captains. Either here the media is wrong to have panned out the new term “multiple captains” for multiple strategists or Mr John Buchanan proposed a flawed idea which just cannot work in modern cricket be it International or IPL. Or it could also be the case of KKR owners who have nothing to do with the game of cricket besides putting money in it to coin this term “multiple strategists” to douse this controversy.

Can you imagine a team named Kolkata Knight Riders with no Ganguly as skipper? Cmon whom is John Buchanan kidding? And who would replace Ganguly as skipper if Buch has his way? Hussey or McCullum or Akash Chopra or for that matter Chris Gayle who might be unavailable given the English tour of West Indies? Are this so called buffer skippers better than Ganguly in leading a team? Kolkata cannot exist without Saurav Ganguly. I mean any team related to Kolkata. Though the influence of Saurav isn’t limited to Kolkata alone, but pan India, but Kolkata without Ganguly is like fish without water.

SRK, this is not a new format being tried out. At least not in my knowledge of 22 years of watching and following cricket. I also feel that Sunil Gavaskar ’s criticism on John Buchanan is bit harsh, but that’s not unexpected as he is well known for his dislike for anything Australian and English.

Written by Sam

April 7, 2009 at 11:12 am