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Archive for the ‘Murali Vijay’ Category

A thing about Sharma and Vijay

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There are 2 reserve players who are sure shot replacements for every injury or dip of form of the first choice players. They are Mural Vijay from TN and Rohit Sharma from Mumbai. These lads are pretty rich fellows after their exploits in the IPL seasons and they are having hefty bank balances.
The last innings of substance Rohit Sharma played was way back in 2007-08 CB series final when he made 66* against Australia in partnership with Sachin Tendulkar. 
The last innings of any importance M Vijay played was in 2010 October when he made his first Test 100 against Australia at home.
Since 2008 he has been repalcing Sehwag or Gambhir at the top whenever these lads get injured. And off late in ODIs too since he had reasonable IPL3 in 2010.
Have a look at their performances in the ongoing ODI series in SA. None of them have the desire or firepower or the ambition to play for India and to play well. They are getting most of the chances on every replacement. We have the likes of Rahane, Pujara, Pandey, Uthappa and others who play well in domestic cricket. They are reasonable in IPL as well, but the fact is this lads do not have selectorial backing from their region. Sharma had backing of DIlip Vengsarkar, Vijay has Srikanth’s backing and Srikanth, DBV were team mates for years in 1980s.
My point is how long this 2 players would get their chances? Isnt it time to show them the door for the time they sort out their temparament, attitude and most importantly find an answer to the question: “do they really want to play for India?”
Its good that they wont play the world cup, else they would have been easy walking wickets.
Last note, on current form Virat Kohli should easily replace Raina in the starting XI.
Raina has had 20 odd innings without a half century and even if we take the fact he is batting mostly at 6, he has not showed the temparament to bat responsibly. He had every thing going his way. He was retained by CSK, he was chosen to play Tests in SL ahead of Yuvraj Singh, he got a debut 100 and then he lost it. He hasnot showed the willpower to claw back to the reckoning by some responsible batting.
Sachin, Sehwag, Gambhir, Yuvraj, Dhoni, Kohli, Pathan, Harbhajan, Zaheer, Praveen, Nehra would be my starting XI for Mirpur.

Written by Sam

January 21, 2011 at 9:05 pm

Dubious 15th member selection

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The Indian world cup squad is announced and there are a few eye brows being raised over selection of few guys who have not played ODIs in 2 years time and none in home conditions. 

The most of the team chose itself and as expected there was a tussle for 2-3 spots only. 

The selection of Chawla and Ashvin would raise eyebrows. Pragyan Ojha played most of the ODIs before he was dumped for no good reason. He was not expected to play in SA where only one spinner plays and that luxury lies with Harbhajan Singh. But Ojha did a decent job in the run up to the SA tour and now he suddenly finds himself out of the favor from the selectors and the team management. 

Piyush Chawla’s selection is equally baffling. He has not played an ODI in 2 years and is not expected to play in remaining 3 games before World Cup, so he is looking  to go to the World Cup with no match fitness and match practice.

There are just 7 batsmen and most of them will play in all games. There is no reserve keeper who also could have doubled up as a batsman.

What if injury happens to one of the 7 main batsmen? Who is the backup then? Rohit Sharma ? M Vijay? I am sure Srikanth has some plans for M Vijay, he must have told him something in Tamil that dude I shall get you in the team, let one of the batsmen get injured. 

What if MSD gets injured? Sehwag would be the captain in that case, but who would keep? Again Srikanth has a replacement ready. Dinesh BossDK Karthik.

Srikanth’s croonies are well placed to be replacements for any one of the batsmen / keeper getting injured. 

Ashvin’s case is debatable. It seems he might be benefited on the cost of Ojha. He has played 7 ODIs for India in 2010 and taken 14 wkts.  How much would he add up to the tally in the world cup remains to be seen.

Chawla has 28 from 21 games. There are plenty of part timers in the spin department namely Sehwag, Yuvraj, Raina and perhaps even Tendulkar. Not to forget Yusuf Pathan too. So why 3 spinners? Ideally Parthiv Patel should have been the part of the lineup in place of Chawla, so that he could have been a reserve batsman too and would double up as a backup to MS as well. 

But if Srikanth had mind and logic. He is roaming around all TV channels and cricket  websites saying this is the best Indian team and balanced to win a world cup in 28 years. Only time would tell.

Written by Sam

January 17, 2011 at 3:14 pm

Vijay is a quota selection

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Murali Vijay is needlessly playing ODIs when he is not fit for it. Fit in the sense in the terms of temparament and attitude. Its disgusting to see this guy play quick form of cricket in IPL and flop in ODIs. 

He is a quota selection in the team. He is in the team cos first choice 3 openers are back home due to injury and the selection head is a headless chicken. And the next BCCI president is the boring pan eating Srinivasan from Chennai.

Now that Tendulkar has also returned home, he would play remaining 3 games and most probably Kohli or Sharma would open with him and Pathan would play at 7.

It could still be a back door entry for Vijay in the world cup. Who knows. One quick 40 and he would be fit in the team.

Vijay is one real lucky guy. The next Dinesh Karthik of course.

Written by Sam

January 15, 2011 at 11:19 pm

Vizag rants

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With Dhawan gone first over its going to be one of Srikanth lads coming in for the opening slot. It could be Srikanth Kris himself or it could be Anni Srikanth. Dhawan was always a scapegoat and nothing more. Srikanth has had his agenda fulfilled. Soon the Mumbai-Delhi or Delhi-Delhi pair wont be opening for India in ODIs and Tests anymore. Its going to be Srikanth-Srikanth pair henceforth.

Srikanth son and Srikanth croonie.

India’s ODI display is poor and pathetic. The bowling today at the end overs was simply club standard led by R Vinay Kumar who bowled full tosses in the slog overs. Where did the hunger for success and excellence go? Perhaps easy road to India team is one reason why this lads dont value their India cap any more. They are happy playing for Srinis, Mallayas, Zintas and all.

Vinay Kumar would be on his way out after this ODI and Munaf Patel might come in. A loser traded for loser. WHy is Sreesanth not in the ODI team? Has he played too much cricket? He just played solitary Test. Does Srikanth look at him as a mere Test bowler?

2010 is a poor year for India in ODIs. On one hand we have excellence of Tests and triumphs to boast of, on the other hand we have Jadejas, Vijays, Dhawans, Vinays and Rohit Sharmas to tolerate of in LoIs.

And if this are future of Indian cricket god save Indian cricket once the greats retire.

Though there are big names to come still in the batting, but the Australian bowling attack is rookie and inexperienced. And thats the difference. They have hunger to excel, our Vinays and all are duds. Rants on Srikanth but he hardly listens. On the name of rest and young, he is giving away India caps as if some Chennai restaurant sells off Vada Sambhar or a Delhi stall sells off Golgappe and chat.

Written by Sam

October 20, 2010 at 1:40 pm

Curious case of Vijay

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Vijay scored a 100. First at international level. Ok congrats da.
I’d stop right here.
He is not going to be a permanent fixture in the side. For now. Whenever Gautam Gambhir gets fit, Vijay would be dropped.  Yes even after making a 100.  And that could be as early as first Test against NZ.
Vijay has been a fixed slot as reserve opener ever since his debut in 2008. That coincided with the dropping of Wasim Jaffer and Dinesh Karthik as openers and return of Gambhir to form in 2008 SL tour. The drop happened in 2008 Aus tour when Sehwag returned in style. That also coincided with the change in the helm of selection committee. DBV went out and Cheekanth came in. So did Vijay after he was in an epic opening partnership with Mukund.
Vijay has since then played T20s and ODIs for India too in 2010 with no success. He flashed in IPL and CLT20 this year. His temparament was monumental in whatever success and opportunities he had thus far. He has been decent in the Tests thus far.
Though he has got opportunities right now just cos he is from Tamil Nadu and Srini, Sreekanth hail from same state. Going on, he would need to exhibit similar patience and commitment as he did today to rightfully earn front door place and not a back door entry just cos he can blabber in same language as chief of selectors and BCCI president elect.
He was painfully slow today going from 87 to 100 and was stuck on 99 for 13 deliveries. In this process he not only slowed down the runs but also slowed down the runs that are scored in the end of the day.
On day 4, India would need to bat quicker than they did on day 3.  They have the men — Tendulkar and Dhoni to do it. If they bat well and secure a close to 100-150 run lead Vijay’s time would not harm us, but if it does then his eating up of balls would surely hurt the team. And that would be a difference in a 1-0 and 2-0 series victory.

Written by Sam

October 11, 2010 at 4:08 pm

Preview : Bangalore Test

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The second Test between the 2 best teams playing positive Test cricket starts tomorrow morning India time. And this would be the last one for lot of players in the country on both sides.
After an epic first, the expectations would be high on this series decider.
India has a strong record when they take the 1-0 lead. In last 20 years they have given up the lead only 4 times last being against England in 2006.
There are going to be a few changes in the Indian team and the hero of 9th wicket partnership wont be there. The Delhi lads give way to Southie guys. Vijay replacing Gambhir and Sreesanth replacing Ishant.
Laxman is in some kind of doubt starting tomorrow and if he does not play it would be a toss-up between Pujara and Mukund to occupy his slot. Conventional logic says Pujie should make his debut but we never know with Srikanth at helm and Srini’s power could see Mukund make his debut too. (Kidding).
India has got some stupid record in Bangalore with not having won a test in 15 years. This is a great chance for them to rectify the record asap. They’ve lost to Australia twice, drew once and lost to Fixistanis in 2005.
Possible lineup:
India : Sehwag, Murali, Dravid, Tendulkar, Laxman / Pujie, Raina, Dhoni, Zaheer, Bhajan, Sreesanth, Ojhie.
Aus : Watto, Katto, Punter, Pup, Mr Cricket, South, Paine, Mitch, Hauritz, Hilfy and Georgie Boy.
It would be one more chance for Marcus North to slide his batting going down south and ensure his berth remains safe for Ashes…
All in all it should be a cracking contest between India and Australia once again and then the rivalry would take a break for one year and then it would kick off once again in 2011 down under. Not sure if the 3 greats would make it that tour.
Now that Mr Character Sanga Singh is injured he should watch this game closely to learn how to play positive cricket.

Sangakara’s character exposed

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Kumar Sangakara wants to be in thick of action. He wants to be seen everywhere. In match conferences, match referees rooms, sledging with fellow captains, appealing for catches and lbws that aint existing, saying huge moral stuff and constantly showing character by appearing casual in official team functions.

Question arises is he insecure ? Is he fearing that SL would be back to minnows stature after departure of Jayasuriya, Vaas and Murali? What is his motive? He openly encourages his bowlers to ball negative lengths, enforces fair FTPs and questions India’s motives in open, blasts Virender Sehwag and of course cannot complete any sentence without uttering character. 

Ditto with Mahela. I guess Mahela and Nanga are building character factory for Sri Lankan cricketers. So much so that they often display lack of character. One of them validates boring SSC kinda pitches citing challenge to bat long as long as they can. The other sets negative fields. 

He questioned India’s stature in world cricket when his board wants as much as cricket with BCCI to fill its empty coffers. He questioned Viru’s character after Randigate. Guess the pasting he got from Sehwag in past 2 years is not good enough for him to question Viru’s “character”.

we don’t hide behind the Board and we don’t hide behind the media” when it came to being hauled up for creating unpleasantness. He added: “If we make a mistake we take the responsibility. If it’s serious, we take it on the chin. We take it like men and move on.” 

Really ? Who called up Indian manager to apologize for Randigate ? SLC. 

Who’s pressing for more fixtures with India ? Who’s pressing for aid to build SL stadiums for World Cup ? SLC.

He (Hurst) did ask me whether McCullum did it intentionally,” said Sanga, “I said I don’t want to comment on any other player. Sometimes players are ruled LBW, they show the bat and no action is taken. Yesterday’s incident, it was without seeing whose fault it was and without seeing the footage (that I was summoned),

Clearly he is agitated on being summoned by Alan Hurst over colliding with Nathan McCullum. This after he was cleared of any wrong doing. Hasnt SLC intervened here as well ? It got Murali playing after coaxing ICC to bend 15 degrees rule. And now in accommodating an useless keeper skipper. 

When Gambhir was banned for elbowing Shane Watson in 2008, BCCI did not throw his weight around Gambhir, as a result Srikanth got an opening and he got Murali Vijay in the test squad.  Since then he hasnt left the Indian squad.

When monkeygate happened in Australia in 2008, Harbhajan Singh was let off after Sachin Tendulkar deposed before ICC. And if Bhajji says typical Indian stuff (Boss DK, MaaKey and Dunga, what Yusuf Pathan said to Umar Gul) to Sangakara, I am sure this bugger would cry more. 

He questions BCCI, its clout, its intentions and then goes on to play IPL for KXIP. Ends up as wooden spoon holder and gets a peck from Zinta babes. Hypocrisy ? 

He is not happy with the schedule for the tri-series, he is not happy with the FTP. He is not happy with anything but his wife most prolly. Unfortunately there is Ijaz Butt who takes all the mud and eggs for being diabolical, else that stuff could very well can be served to Sangakara, the perennial loser.

Written by Sam

August 21, 2010 at 10:52 pm

India’s XVI for Sri Lanka

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India has declared 16 players for the yet another Test series vs Sri Lanka in Sri Lanka.  Its going to be the 3rd series in 3 years between the two teams and hopefully for next 3 years there wont be any series between the 2 teams. 

The usual culprits (no pun) return to the test team making it the usual colored look. Dravid, Laxman, Ishant etc etc return for the Test series. 

Also returns is Wriddhiman Saha. Shocking. He was a dead as a dodo in the Nagpur Test vs South Africa and just after a Test, he returns. 

Dinesh Karthik was ignored. Good for this blog, not so for others. 

Also returns is M Vijay. Srikanth makes sure he keeps one Tamil Nadu player in every team he selects. Last series he had 2, Dabri missed out this time. 

If M Vijay was not present, Dinesh Karthik would have been. Guess the reserve slot (Wicket keeper or opener) is fixed for a Tamil Nadu quota. 

There are many tweets where people have questioned Srikanth’s agenda for Chennai (Read Tamil Nadu).  I believe Srikanth has not chosen anybody outside Chennai too. I am not sure from where one Ganpathy hails, but Dabri, Vijay and Dinesh Kartik are sure Chennai duds. 

Dilip Vengsarkar was from Mumbai, but for Jaffer he did not push anybody from Mumbai who did not deserve a place in final XI. Srikanth is different. He needs his states players to serve a hidden agenda.  Guess he is in post for another 3 months and by September he would be out. I just hope he does not stick around to select World Cup team. Else it would be half Chennai Super Kinks team playing in Indian blue.

Yuvraj also returns. That means he was dropped on basis of fitness and not form. He did not play a single game to prove he was back in form. So as his latest tweet read “This elephant is back in fitness and raring to go” proves he assumes he is back in fitness. 

If thats true we wont know till he plays the 3 day game or the first Test.

If he fails, Suresh Raina is down there to pressurise him. If he keeps going he would benefit the national team. He is yet to hit a test 100 since Bangalore 100 against Pakistan. And a hundred or a big innings would be due for him to prove his worth in the # 6 slot. If not there are several other contenders — Pujara, Raina, Sharma and Kohli to grab the place. Yes Aniruddha Srikanth is in there too. 

There are 3 spinners in the team. Mishraji, Ojhaji would be one of the spinners that would play alongside Bhajji. And its going to be one of Sreesanth and Ishant accompanying Zaheer in the new ball attack. Selection of Sreesanth is again questionable. What worthy he has done all this while is not known to us (at least). He seems to be another quota selection (making for loss of R Ashvin).

16 players for a 3 Test series is a bit too much. Usually teams name 14 players for a Test series and usually one or 2 players are released to play for their respective domestic teams.  We have not seen that happen for India and wont happen till the likes of Srikanth are around as egoistical regional headed selectors chefs.

Written by Sam

June 27, 2010 at 11:30 am

Thank You Murali Vijay

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Thank You Vijay and sorry.
Move on.
Grown up beard could not make difference to your shreded fat ass luck, neither being dropepd for subsequent Asia cup tour hurt you enough to make amends and give your critics a shot in their ass.  You continued to under perform for whatever reasons and its good enough for people to mark you tried, tested and failed mode.
This should also end your test career for now just like Mohd Yusuf.  We dont see the zing and the fire in your belly to play for your country, that we saw for your franchisee. That money might get you the sprawling villas in Chennai, but that wont echo in the great Chennai cricketers who played for India.
That does not matter to you though.
Spare us with further torture and move on. Find some role in Tamil movies. You are good enough to give the oldies a run for their money. 

Written by Sam

June 13, 2010 at 3:11 am

Posted in Murali Vijay

T2OIs with Zimbabwe : Who cares

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In the euphoria of World Cup football and Asia Cup we forgot that there is a T20I set to follow with Zimbabwe and this team would play 2 times more.

So to save some pride we hope that the Indians would win at least something against Zimbabwe and end this disastrous tour on a decent note. 

One more time for Bossa DK and YuM Veejay to take strike for India and then they are back to play for local sides in gullies of Madras. So guys hit it big. Make 50s so that Srikanth would fit you back in the team should one of the players get injured. 

Go make hay in the sun while it shines. Who knows you might never turn up for India again.

Written by Sam

June 12, 2010 at 4:41 am