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Archive for the ‘ICC’ Category

Mr and Mrs ten percent

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ICC has sent notice to Kamran Akamal indicating he is under scanner for his suspicious activities all this year for Australian tour, England tour and Asia Cup activities.  TOI reports that he had been notified before the Lord’s test too and he had replied to the notice. But the notice reply were found to be ridiculous and so he was charged once again.
This time the PCB was ignored. The notice was sent directly to the rogue keeper.
PCB chief returned to his homeland and received jeers. Still unfazed he declared he wont have any investigation as ICC and Scotland Yard investigation are already on. Actually he meant this
We are incompetent, impotent and idiots. If we launch any investigations then all we are going to do is say “Where is the proof” ? If proofs are unearthed we would ban and fine the players. And then have them submit the appeals and finally revoke the bans and fines. We would turn a blind eye to what the players do while on the tour, whom they meet, how much cash they make, whether they play cricket or do anything beyond that. We are incompetent, impotent.”
So in the end its back to the square one. Laughing stock. Amazingly, still nothing would happen. Butt, the bil of Pak defence minister shall continue to be  the pCB chief and continue to say “Where is the proof” and “Innocent until proved guilty”. He would be “impotent until proved potent”.
If Akamal is charged then why is he playing ?
A search for Ijaz Butt on twitter yields some hillarious tweets even from his own countrymen like “trading off Ijaz Butt” and stuff like that.
Irony is that who is going to kick him out ? The patron ? Mr 10 % :D. Who knows he might be getting some slice of the spot fixing payment from the bookies !! And Ijaz Butt would be getting his share too. Probably that explains the reason why this two buffoons are still in place.

Written by Sam

September 8, 2010 at 8:45 pm

ICC suspends Pakistan captain, premier fast bowler and Veena Malik’s ex bf

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Start of the day : PCB withdraws  the 3 players on grounds of mental torture from media, bloggers, ex-cricketers and fans. Pakistan envoy to Britain confirms this proving that he is cousin of Ijaz Butt in terms of mental health and wisdom.
Later in the day : ICC suspends 3 players on grounds of corruption under ACSU.
Welcome step.  Some action had to be taken and ICC was the only one who could have taken this action given how impotent and inept PCB is.
What happens to Kamran  Akamal ? He was implicated too right ? Did Shahid Afridi save his ass as Akamal constantly rants Shahid Bhai Shahid Bhai ?
By the way collage below (courtesy : ndtv.com and mid-day.com) should be good enough to nail Salman Butt and Kamran Akamal.  A fitting reply to those who are asking for proofs. Nothing can get bigger than this pictures and the video footage shown by NOTW.

Written by Sam

September 2, 2010 at 10:54 pm

PCB wont take any action on Cheaters

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ECB has said its players are reluctant to take on a team which has spot fixer tainted players in the ODIs and T20s.
Mr Sharad Pawar has said ICC wont step in till the investigations are done. That is, the 4 players would continue playing T20s and ODIs leading to more fixing.
The Buffoon at PCB has said
“This is only an allegation. There is still no charge or proof on that account. So at this stage there will be no action taken”
As expected Buffoon turns his eye off on the erring players. There are reports in ToI which suggest that the PCB has a nexus with the bookies responsible for the spot fixing. So its obvious the head of PCB wont act on the beneficiaries of the booking gate.
ICC now signalling that it may suspend 4 players (CNN-IBN).
As of now the fact is the 4 suspended players would continue playing and none of ICC, PCB would act on the players.
Another indication that the spot fixing stuff would be rubbed under carpet.

Written by Sam

August 30, 2010 at 10:55 pm

Spot Fixing would be buried under carpet

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The Pak squad has left for Taunton amidst the slogan of thieves. And Majeed Mazhar has been released on bail too. ICC is dysfunctional, PCB is hopeless.
It gives a feeling that this episode is also going to be pushed inside carpet and the named culprits are going to continue in the way previous ones have done over decade and half.
Worst thing is that this episode has come right around the world cup and ideally the ICC should act stern to fix the problem of fixing for good.
Thats a realm of speculation and very unlikely it would happen. The worst thing is the 4 cheats would still be playing the T20s and the ODIs. Best thing could have been suspend the 4 players at least till the allegations are proved / invalidated. 

Written by Sam

August 30, 2010 at 2:27 pm

Pakistan cricket needs to be isolated !!

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For the first 2 or 3 days of Lord’s Test it seemed that Pakistan are back to being a decent Test team until Broad and Trott had the record shattering 332 run partnership for 8th wicket.
And then the hell broke loose.
Spot fixing allegations came out in open after News of the World broke the story how Mazhar  Majeed paid the talents of Pakistan cricket to ball no-balls during the ongoing Lord’s Test.
Since then the world of cricket has just been flooded with the shock and awe.
Its nothing new on the Pakistan’s part to be coping up with this allegations. They have had a history of such misdeeds and the current cricketers have illustrious seniors to look up for spot fixing and stuff like ball tampering, match fixing. Many of them are coaches now, have gone on to become highest ODI wicket takers and what not.
Salman Butt, Aamer, Drug Peddler Asif and ugly slut Kamran Akamal are the players indicated in this spot fixing stuff.
The English media is overboard with how Test cricket was killed at the home of cricket, the Pakistani media is yet to come to the terms with the reality. Poor they, they have had to cover a lot of such stuff in last 3 years. Mush, 10 %, Buttology, MoYos, Younises, Afridis, Butt again, Akamal muck,  spot fixing, T-e-Ts, floods, war against homegrown terror and what not.
PakPassion.net had glorified the Mazeed brothers having a dedicated section on the website named as “Agents Corner”. The Pakistani bloggers are quiet in the shock. Feel for them. Why do they even follow Pakistani cricket ?
As long as Pakistan is going to play cricket, this dirt and muck is going to be around. No matter how strong we have units like ICC ACU, Qayyums and stuff, the crooks of Pakistan all round the world are going to lure the poor Pakistani players who when debut do not even have manners (accent) or money to be correct on foreign tours. So its easy for them to be lured to petty temptations and sell their integrity for some pounds or dollars or Pakistani rupees.
When the country itself is deep in immorality of terror, home grown insurgency, floods and anti-world mindset its futile to expect this young cricketers to have any kind of integrity and morality.  And when the Ijaz Butts rule the PCB and act in a weird way to ban, appeal and overturn, its futile or better to not expect the PCB or Mr 10 % to act on the latest dirt from Pakistani cricket closet.
Best way would be to ban Pakistan from playing all forms of cricket till their administration comes clean on the laundering,  cheating and fixing. Worse even do not invite the cheats from Pakistan to play anywhere in the world for they would bring a lot of unwanted publicity and attention where they go. Let their team play within their own country.
Cricket wont die due to a misgiving from a rogue country. T20s wont die, Tests and ODIs wont die. Normal business shall resume. When its a normal of a Pakistani cricket to be corrupt then why pretend to be shocked and write obituaries for cricket when its in a good state though bruised a little bit. Just a bit.
The ODI series and the T20s to follow in England now become irrelevant and we should get our popcorn and coke to watch out the theaterical drama unfold in Pakistani cricket circles with Ijaz Butt being the old hero in centerstage. Just hoping that ICC would act strong this time to kill the virus of fixing forever and come too hard on the erring players, administrators and bookies.
Lights camera Action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Written by Sam

August 29, 2010 at 4:20 pm

Power and Howards

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Sharad Pawar is now ICC president after accumulating experience of 3 years as BCCI chief and 2 years as ICC vice president. And that qualifies him to be the ICC president. If that means an able candidate is not a sure shot conclusion.
That’s the grounds on which BCCI shot down John Howard’s candidature for ICC vice president post.  Addition to India, 5 other boards shot down Howard’s candidature. SL had its own reasons (just cos Howard had termed Murali a chuck, which is true) to block him and so did Zimbabwe (he refused to send Aussie team to Zim and as a result no Aussie team has travelled to Zim for a test series since 1999 and Zim team to Aus since 2003).
Sharad Pawar’s credibility is well known to everybody in India.  Failing crops, farmers suicide in his native state, mismanaged food economy and higher inflation rates for food items besides alleged stakes in failed Pune IPL bid and other IPL entities are some of the blots on his CV.
So Sharad Pawar being an ICC president is not a very enthusiastic piece of news for India, albeit a shameful one.
Malcolm Speed has following insights to offer on how Pawar attended ICC meetings:
The man who is to be the next ICC president, Sharad Pawar, is the Minister for Agriculture in the Indian government – a serious full-time job, feeding 1.2 billion people. He is a good and fair man but he will be working part-time as ICC president and, take it from me, he knows little about cricket administration. I was present at several ICC board meetings he attended. ICC meetings generally last two days. Pawar attended for one hour and was then replaced by one of the Board of Control for Cricket in India apparatchiks. They were concerned that he was too busy and would be too reasonable.”
Not sure if that’s true or out of malice. But the flip flop of Pawar  clan over the IPL stake issues have put him in a very bad light.  He is confused so as which job to approach full time and part time. Whether serving as federal minister or going as ICC president or serving his own and his family’s vested interests in ventures like IPL.  He is a man chosen to do the job just out of vote bank politics and John Howard was rejected just cos BCCI did not want to upset Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka for its future vote bank politics.  Nobody cares about Pakistan and if the man is quizzed why he opposed Howard, the man would make up a lame issue and then do a u-turn over it.
So if Howard was rejected for ICC post for some reasons, then same reasons and additional ones apply for rejecting Sharad Pawar as ICC president, but that wont happen. For next 2 years the ICC members would need to engage translators and language therapists to understand what Pawar is mumbling in the meetings.
Who knows even his daughter Supriya Sule could attend ICC meetings as his proxy!!!

Written by Sam

July 1, 2010 at 8:20 am

ICC Awards.

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ICC awards.

Whoa man.

Indian idiots all the way.

Dhoni as the captain of ODI and Test teams…..

And we called for firing him….

No T20 team so no Younis Khan. Just an award for lone sane Lankan Dilly for his Dilscoop ice cream shot.

Gambhir as Test player.

Dhoni as ODI player. Criticism awaited. Gill babu, get started. I am awaiting for your comment on some XXXk trundler and flat track bullies.

Lol. He is stuck at that point. Get ahead, go further.

Thats the apt recognition for the Delhi kid who has set the world on fire with his explosive batting, with his patience not his natural virtue (NZ) and of course barging the shoulders to the DuckMan Watso….

ODI player MS who led his team to all bilateral wins all over and scored runs @ 61 at an impressive SR of 86, well 10 below his initial one. Criticism awaited and invited. Get started.

Test team :

Strauss and Gambhir as openers with AB as # 3 ??????? Tendulkar at 4. Thilan Samarweera at 5. Wtf. Flat track king in the Test team of year. What substanced innings did he play ?

Clarke and Dhoni at 6 and 7. Apt.

Shakib Al Hasan at 8. Mitch at 9, Broad and Steyn as rest. Debatable.

Why Samarweera. No Mahela thank god. Oodi baba. Character not heard.

ODI team :

Sehwag and Gayle as openers. Gayle ? Not quite. Gambhir would be in. KP and Dilshan. Dilshan in ODI team ? Somebody tell the selectors ODI is 50 overs, not 20. Yuvraj, Dhoni and Freddie apt. Umar Gul fine.

Mendis and Kulasekhra ? Why ? Besides 6 for 13 what did Mendis do ? He was well negated by Indians and former Indians. Still!!!

All in all a very good selection and good awards. Yes one reason cos Indians rule the roost. Unfortunately no Sri Lankan. A lesson : play on lively pitches and win abroad not only BD.

Written by Sam

October 1, 2009 at 10:20 pm

Indians in ICC awards contention pisses off Pakistan fans

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They dont have a single nomination in the ICC awards that matter. They had a media men in the jury that selected the nominations. Perhaps Ijaz Butt was kicked out off his butt when he tried to sneak in to the jury. Or for that matter Rashid Latif or Javed Miandad would cry foul that the jury is biased and pro-India. Pro – India means automatically anti-Pakistan. Thats what they have lived with all 62 years of their existence.

As a result our glorious neigbhours are pissing off in their pants to see so many Indians in the nominations.

Sehwag and Gambhir along with MS in ODIs. MS and GG in Tests. Fair call. Not cos they are bloody Hindustanis, but they excelled in all conditions.

Our glorious padosis never stepped in whites entire 2008 for a very crap reason “security”. Go ask the Zardaris, Butts and Gilanis who is responsible for the security in their country. Is it ICC or is it MMS ? Ask Fazalullah and others to back out a bit.

Hop across every blog and you find this stani army character ranting about how drugs should be allowed in the game and how Indians are “fixed” to win awards.

No surprise this comes from a supporter of a team which has all above characterstics : drug peddlers, fixers, selfish players, fighters and what not. All this combine to play with sole honest person Younis Khan and they are called Pakistan national cricket team.

Drug abused : Asif

Drug peddler : Asif

Fighter : Asif and Akhtar. Afridi and Malik.

Selfish : Misbah and Yousuf. One of them changed religion to grab the captaincy of the team, alas he never succeeded.

When you dont set out in whites to play a 5 day game how do you expect to be in the nomination even if you send 100 talibani fighters to the ICC headquarters in Dubai to hold gun point over the jury and ask Pakistani players to be nominated ?

Written by Sam

September 18, 2009 at 4:57 am

India are now official bloody # 1.

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Yo Baby.

We are # 1. Yup. Cant believe it. 34 wins out of 56 ODIs since 2007 debacle sees bloody Blue BCCI owned Indians go on top.

In the money power, in the financial clout, in the bullying, in muscle twist and now in game too. India are # 1 in ODIs.

Fair judgement. ICC rankings are still crap.

yeah I know people would have critical approach on ODIs, but who cares. When your team goes on top and whoop goes my heart.

Irrespective of dancing baby falling quickly or Dravid falling short of expectations. Yuvraj failing and Sach 4 short of 8x;s fifty, the Indians roasted Kiwis today and tomorrow would gulp Sri Lankans without even bothering about who the fuck Sanga, Blabba, Thilana or Malinga or whoever it is / are.

Bullying ? Yes.

Younis Khan and Umar Gul for sure would ejaculate out of the high they would get if they beat their own bitter and no 1 arch rivals, the b.b. BCCI owned Indians. And imagine if SL beats India tomorrow, how high the Sangas and Blabbas would fly.

Move aside SA, Australia long gone. Kiwis fried, Pakistan is nobody. Its India all the way. #1. Orgasmic. Nice, real and surreal as Hugh Grant says to Julia Roberts in Notting Drill (Hill).

Written by Sam

September 11, 2009 at 9:36 pm

Test Player 09

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goes to Gautam Gambhir……………
Baat khatam, paisa Hajam.
End of the game babeh.

Written by Sam

September 2, 2009 at 11:51 am

Posted in Gautam Gambhir, ICC