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Archive for the ‘Danish Kaneria’ Category

Legacy of Match fixers

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Shoaib Malik, Ata-Ur-Rahman, Salim Malik, Naved Rana, Danish Kaneria…..
And many more hidden reputed names of cricket from terror torn country.
Whats common b/w this names ?
Tainted names or famed names ?
One of them is a serial wedder (he weds Hyderabadi girls, refuses to accept, forced to divorce), other is banned for life and other one is an ICL rebel to be back in team to be banned again.
Whats Danya Danya doing here ?
He’s got indicated in a match fixing investigation in England playing from Essex….
Nothing new, he’s got the legacy. And we have got no doubts that he would be indicted, but Mr painFul Butt would not act on him and a match fixer would proudly play for his bunch of idiots in England this summer.
What a country……

Written by Sam

April 11, 2010 at 12:59 pm