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Archive for the ‘Commentary’ Category


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…………whats your price to shut your mouth off ? Dude you are plain torture. What a shot. What a fantastic shot. Shot Shot Shot. Constant blabbering. Give a chance to the legend besides you. Sunny must be kicking himself to have seated near you. He has been listening patiently to you. I have lost that patience. I am good to hear singing Kameez Rameez, but no Pommie. He speaks as if its a torture. and its a torture for the listeners. Dude why do you speak a single term 3 times. Do you by any chance watch Ekta Kapoor’s K soap operas dude?

Written by Sam

May 16, 2009 at 11:56 am

Posted in Commentary, IPL

RCB hold breath to win making tourney wide open!!

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Whadda match we had. IPL thrown open again. RCB to number 4. Batting collapses, but they kept their cool and finally Taylor heroics see them through. Whosoever wins the next game, would be 4th and RCB would be 5th. They would keep the top 4 on edge and so would the intensity of IPL remain strong.

In a match where batsmen seemed to be in a rush to run to dug out, the Bangalore batsmen kept their cool and Anil Kumble who led the team so well in the earlier part was a happy man. Peerless Kumble.

Heart goes to MS. Fielding just doesnt get better, though the catches dropping reduced, the ground fielding remained poor especially last ball when Balaji ran the opposite way of the ball.

MS was innovative, he didnt give up and he led from the front. And finally in 129 runs, 63 from Hayden were crucial. What a form he is being in. Superb player.

Can I get rid of Pommie Mbangwa? He speaks as if somebody is keeping a gun over his neck and saying “shoot the shit”. Following people suck :

1) Fernando as ever
2) Danny Morrison
3) Pommie Mbangwa and to an extent
4) Robin Jackman

MS is candid as ever. India is superbly safe in his captaincy. No captain can be as candid as he is. Way to go dude.

Written by Sam

May 14, 2009 at 2:05 pm

Ranjith Fernando rants in full flow.

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Ranjith Fernando is in full song today. Lot of screams, no copy pastes, no tounge in cheeks, no repeat of fellow commentators comments, lot of DLF maximums, lot of shots down the boundary.
Poor Shastri outcommented today. He is just quiet. But one good thing he is doing. He is not playing a Ranjith today. That is, he is ignoring Ranjith’s rants and going on altogether DLF tracks.
KKR showing good game today. Ridiculous not to find DADA at 1,2,3 or 4. I just wish he fires in all games and KKR lose all games. I dont bother how KKR fares, but repo of DADA shouldnt be affected, else I would think to sue KKR owners. And give the money i would get to Ranjith to work on his oratory and commenting skills.

Written by Sam

May 5, 2009 at 3:27 pm

Commentary in IPL

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The commentary in the IPL is ridiculous and barring Shastri, Sunny and Mark Nicholas there is nobody who could claim to be a good orator. Abbas Ali Baig was hell and Fernando as usual copy pastes the contents of the fellow commentator to his mouth and then makes a delay of 0.5-1.5 seconds and speaks the same thing with a tongue twist. Wicket becomes wikat and Murali becomes Murralidaran. Greg Blewett is Modi’ere ‘s crush and I have seen her 2 or 3 times making advances towards poor Aussie. Mandira Bedi and the Max presenters including Chang and Channel V VJ are pathetic. They believe the cricket public in India is bit moderate in knowledge and the IPL would be an unknown commodity for them.

If you watch Extra Innings with extra patience you would get what I want to say. Arun Lal, man, he runs into my nerves. I seriously believe he should gracefully leave the studio before he becomes the 5th man in India to have hurled the footwear at. And not to say that the jargons of the sponsors are as irritating as the flashing smiles of Shilpa Shetty. Every six is being termed as DLF maximum. So now every single would be a DLF minimum. Shastri or the opening commentator thanks the sponsors in the initial moments of every match and that’s ridiculous to hear. DLF maximum could be another term coined now to call the “eunuch” in India who go often on the ransom rounds. A six in Hindi is a chakka and that’s the common man’s term used to refer a eunuch.

Written by Sam

April 22, 2009 at 1:20 pm