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Archive for the ‘Coach’ Category

Coach captain fiasco in Saffa

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One more coach has walked the fire of getting axed with relations being damaged beyond repair with the captain.
Mickey Arthur has supposedly resigned as Saffa coach due to strain with Graeme Smith after the series draw with England.
Another coach crucified due to the ego clash after Peter Moores and Kevin Pieterson.
And Mahek for you : if you dont like any post, why personal mud slinging. Attack the post, not the poster. One saintly advice for  you (not sure you are guy or a gal).  Else the best advice for you is do not drop by. But do not abuse please. 

Written by Sam

January 26, 2010 at 5:50 am

Inviting applications for coaching Pakistan

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Here is inviting applications for applying as coach to Pakistan national cricket team. Yes national cricket team. They play Test cricket occasionally, internal politics moreso. Here are the necessary and minimum requirements for the job :

  1. You should have minimal knowledge of Cricket game. No certification in coaching would be acceptable. Level 1 or Level n, nothing would suffice.
  2. You should be ready to suffer the heartbreaks and barbs from the respected PCB officials who have high understanding of the game of cricket, no matter they havent lifted a cricket bat beyond bylanes of Karachi or Lahore.
  3. You should be good in playing politics and thou shall not have your own opinions about the selection issues, fitness of players or touring assignments.
  4. You would have to take care of your own accomodation, if you are not able to do that, living in refugee camps would be provided free of cost.
  5. You wont have a say in selecting captain and you wont have any power in the board and team politics.
  6. You shall stay away from team dressing room and you wont interfere in selection of players.
  7. You should be ready to get sacked anytime and without any notice. You wont have power to go to court to challenge PCB.
  8. You shall not be a whistle blower on match-fixing and dope scandals.
  9. You shall not kick the butt of chairman Ijaz Butt.

Any one game ? I am ready to do this all with just one pre-requisite. I should be able to coach them offshore. No touring Pakistan. I am Indian national. Coaching them in India should be acceptable.

Written by Sam

October 25, 2008 at 12:08 pm

Posted in Coach, Ijaz Butt, PCB

Lawson Butted…..

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Geoff Lawson has been removed as Pakistan coach, just days after it was announced that he would see out the rest of his contract, ending in August 2009. The announcement came shortly after a meeting he had with PCB chief Ijaz Butt – responsible for recent the public flip-flops on the coach’s future – at which Lawson was told a decision would be conveyed to him by Saturday, following discussions within the board.

So Butsy shows off his rants to real actions . He matches his words with actions, no matter how much they sound bitter or unethical.But then who bothers ? And why was coach sacked ? Just for personal dislike ? Was he given time to show his calibre ? 1 year and 3 months, with 9 months out of them no Test cricket and serious cricket for the team. Change of administration, removal of officials and players sacking. Captain insecure and ridiculous no cricket. What would poor Lawson do ?

One coach died, the other one was removed. And with it perhaps ends the era of foreign coaches in Pakistan. They better get a home grown coach and who better than revamped Salim Malik…..

Written by Sam

October 24, 2008 at 12:36 pm

Gary Hit Wickets Himself

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Mahendra Singh Dhoni is “ready” to captain India in all forms of the game but added that there was no immediate need for change because Anil Kumble was doing “an exceptional job” leading the Test side.

“He [Dhoni] is ready for it [Test captaincy] but there is no need to rush as of now. Anil has done an exceptional job, he is a great leader. He is prepared to do 30 overs in a day but he is on the other side of the physical side of the game

Well said Gary. I really doubt the timing and the validity of this statement, right before the biggest series of the year is set to begin in a month s time. Alright MSD is cool cucumber and is very inspirational skipper in short format of the game, but then has Kumble lost it ? He is still fit to play and is very good candidate to lead India in his home ground against Australia on Oct 9.

This kind of immaturish statements which is also holdin quite a paradox is not needed on coach’s part and that raises questions over Gary Kirsten’s commitment to the Test team. The blokes he coaches in the Test team are one time opponents of the dood and I feel there could be a certain awkwardness in Gary s mind to tip the Fab 4 or skipper.

Whatever it is this is not a good statement to make. With time MSD is set to get the Test captaincy as well, no doubt. But not by replacing Kumble just cos MSD has won a ODI series in SL. Replacing Kumble wont be a very good gesture to return to the immense and invaluable service Kumble has given to Indian cricket since last 18 years. And Gary might not get this, but the selectors got to get it in their head.

Written by Sam

September 3, 2008 at 10:33 am