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Archive for the ‘Chucking’ Category

Stating the obvious

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Everyone knows it, but why say it after a loss ?

Written by Sam

August 23, 2009 at 2:18 pm

Posted in Chucking, Muralitharan

Pakistani Chuck plays on

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The new chuck, the Pakistani one is bowling in the 3rd ham game in Abu Dhabi despite being called for illegal action. Why ? Now 2 bowlers with illegal action in the Pakistan team : Ajmal kasab and Shoaib Bear Hug Akhtar. I laughed my heart out when i read in cricinfo.com that Ajmal thought Watson sparked the process of him getting called for illegal bowling. How insane. Is he 3 yr old kid or 31 year old kid? I am sure even if Watson wud have kicked start the process, the umpire duo of Pakistan are mindless duds to accept blindly what Watson has to say ?

I think Pakistan needs to be set right here. Somebody got to sit with the mindless duo of PCB and warn them up left right and center to stop this bullshitting and fuckin crying foul. Pakistan has them all – Talibanis, Illegal bowlers, crying babies who are 50+ year old and of course Javed Miandad who feels that security in all 4 countries hosting WC 11 is whore. Ever since the country was carved out in 1947 it has been crying foul on Indians. Politically, physically, sportily and in almost every almost aspect.

Soulberry has written an excellent article on moaning and cribbing of Inti Alam on Ajam reporting.. Akram Ajam if in terms of IPL fake blogger. I would suggest some ICC boss sit with PCB and warn them stringently on this self pity crying.

Written by Sam

April 27, 2009 at 1:14 pm

Ajmal has a suspect action

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Qasab’s cousin Mohd Ajmal Saeed has been reported for illegal action and thats a respite for Aussies as one spinner less will be needed to counter. Things going omnious for Aussies as they are on track for 4-1 win. And there can be no conspiracy here and no whinning on India and BCCI here. The reporting umpires were Pakistanti themselves.

Aha the whinning has begun :

Ajmal has played against four countries and nobody raised any finger on his action and suddenly this decision comes,” Pakistan coach Intikhab Alam told AFP. “I think they [ICC] are lacking consistency in this process. He bowled exceptionally well and suddenly they decided that he has a problem with his action.”

It wonders me why do Pakistani cricket bosses do always have to sulk and whine? May be Q has some answers.

Written by Sam

April 26, 2009 at 5:00 pm

Blame it to BCCI and Whinning Ponting….

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In continuation with Boatha the Chuck, i hope the bloggers dont attribute this to the captain tired, whinning and losing Ricky Ponting. And of course not BCCI!! puleeeeeeeeez. This age BCCI and Ponting seem to be the root cause of all evils in world cricket………..Indie bloggers wud curse Ponting, Lankans and Pommie bloggers along with few Aussie ones would blame BCCI!!! Gosh gimme a break!! And whom do i blame? Of course Chuck king. He set the wrong precedent in bending the rules for bending the arm by 50 degrees….

Written by Sam

April 14, 2009 at 6:14 pm

Captain Chuck!!

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Chuckers galore 🙂
After Lankan chuck its now Saffer chuck 🙂 And guess wot he was a skipper. Reported for suspect action..And guess wot he wud continue to play cricket :). Further killing of spirit of cricket.
Here is a list of chuckers :
  1. Muralitharan
  2. Botha
  3. Rajesh Chauhan
  4. Lasith Malinga
  5. Pieterson (SA)
  6. Shoaib Akhhtar
  7. Shabbir Ahmed….

Wud ICC roll back those wickets taken on doubtful deliveries and also change the results of the games that were affected due to those wickets ?

Pata nahi 🙂

Keep chucking….And worst part is continue to be # 1 in the rankings that are at best trashy like Manmohan Singh!!

Written by Sam

April 14, 2009 at 4:53 pm

Posted in Chucking, South Africa

Vijay who ?

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Vijay who ? Heard of him ? Who is he ? Yeah right he made some double hundred against MH in Ranji game? But what are his credentials besides that ? Big one. K Srikanth hails from TN as does he. So obvious he s gonna be in and now every sundry from TN would get in as replacement in the national team……As did Wasim Jaffer during days of Dilip Vengsarkar……Meanwhile Damith, a Sl blogger names me Buzz Singh Bedi for naming Murali as Chuck :))

And yes we are on course for another ICC vs BCCI showdown. Gambhir was found guilty without even given a chance to present his view and legal assistance. Bias again and perhaps ICC learnt its lessons from Bhajji – Symmo affair to avoid the hearing horse crap 🙂

Written by Sam

November 4, 2008 at 4:50 pm

Gilly gets it right finally on Murali

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I don’t disagree with Gilchrist’s assessment of Muralidaran. He has been a controversial bowler and yes he chucks. ICC has bent few many rules to accommodate his chucking bowling action. Otherwise why do you need to change the rule from 4 degrees to 15 degrees. Just to accommodate this looser from Sri Lanka who will end up with close to 900 wkts. Thanks to playing more against minnows and hardly against top teams. What has been his record in Australia and India ? He took 4 wkts in 2 Tests last year down under. 200 wkts against minnows and compare that to Warney or Anil. Anil has taken wkts everywhere except Lanka. Warney has wkts everywhere except India….And not many wkts against the minnows….

For having a chucker in action still we got to blame the fat skinny racist fool Arjuna Ranatunga who took the racist angle in every cricketing decision against Muralidaran. Whenever Murali was in any controversy, the fat man would come in and twist it to racial angle and then gather sympathies for the chucker. Every time Ranatunga accused ICC of racial abuse whereby he himself got this theory going and unfortunately BCCI supported SLC in this. Votebank politics.

Bret Lee, Rajesh Chauhan, Shabbir Ahmed , Johan Botha, Harbhajan Singh were found guilty of chucking too, but they or their captains never cried foul on racism or being singled out. Then why Murali ? And when the controversy over Murali potboiled, he threatened to take the team out of the ground (1999 CU Series vs Eng)..Muralitharan is against the spirits of the game and its very unfortunate that this team gets the spirits of cricket award every year. F***k.

And why does SL have a history of producing illegal bowlers ? Murali, Bandara, Malinga and one more bowler who debuted in Post WC series in 2007. SL are the worst team to watch and play against. They want India to bail them out of the financial troubles, but then they also plead ignorance about IPL being single seasoned and then start horse crap against it.

Gilly is right at least on Murali’s point. I second him….But then can anything be done ? 756 wkts cant be neutralized…Heck he would even become highest wkt taker in ODIs….Is he worthier than Akram or even Younis ?

Written by Sam

November 4, 2008 at 11:56 am

SL worthy of Spirit of Cricket Award ? Noooo

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How can Sri Lanka be awarded the ICC Spirits of the Year award when they have two illegal chucker bowler in their ranks in :
1) Muralitharan

2) Lasith Malinga

Aint they killing the spirits of the game ? Isnt the Chuck earning cheap wkts against the likes of BD and Zim ? 200 odd wkts in 23 Tests against this 2 minnows. Is that boosting spirits of cricket ? ICC adjudicators (minus Siddath Vettimuny) got to answer that. IMHO SL kill the spirits of cricket in worst way like no other team in the world does.

Written by Sam

September 11, 2008 at 6:04 pm