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Reflecting back!!!

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4 years back in the runup to the world cup 2007 I had started writing cricket blog and most of those posts were related to the cricket watching experience from 1986 till date (2007). I had covered the world cup till the halfway stage and then India had exited in the first round itself. The days to follow were like being in the state of numbness and shock as none of us expected to lose so early. 

Greg Chappell was the most hated man in the country then and entire cricketing fraternity was shocked on Mar 18, 2007 when world learnt that Bob Woolmer died the night Pakistan lost to Ireland. Perhaps that was the start of decline of the Pakistan cricket which is still ongoing till today.

There was still a hope that India could still qualify to go to the super 6 by virtue of beating Lankans but it did not happen and I hated Dilhara Fernando more than I hate Jaywardhene and Sangakara now for dismissing Tendulkar on 0. Many thought that was the end of the Tendulkar saga in the World Cup.

And then one day writing from Kanbay office for that blog,I accidentally ended up deleting that blog which was more of a innocent blog with no digs at anyone, no hatred, no rants and no criticisicm of anybody. I rued that loss as i had already posted 45 posts by then. 

I got started with the other blog and the most memorable experience of blogging came with that when I blogged about the 2007 World T20 win, England series win and of course the victory over Pakistan in the last series played till date.

And then 2008 Sydney happened. It was heartbreaking, it was disgusting to see India lose to Ricky Ponting’s antics. I was so anguished by teh happenings that I quit blogging and did not blog for another 8 months. Even IPL-1 came and gone, I did not blog. 

And then at the end of SL ODI series, I came back to the world of cricket blog yet again and this blog took the birth. 28 months of blogging and over 1200 posts. Drilling down Lankans, standing by the fab five of the Indian cricket and of course shredding apart the likes of Dinesh Karthik, Sangakara, Jayawardhena, M Vijay and Srikanth have been the features of this blog. 

I dont receive comments any more. I fretted initially about it, I cribbed and wrote about it, but in the end I adjusted to it not letting it affect me and my writing. I might not be the most popular blogger around, neither do I have penchant for laws of the game, neither do I have the ability to draw humorous cartoons, neither do I have ability to praise anything Sri Lankan. But passion for the game and standing by the team I like the best keep me going and I shall keep going for as long as I can. 

Written by Sam

January 31, 2011 at 1:34 am

Arm Ball turns one.

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So its a happy Birthday for my blog. 1 year complete when I returned to full fledged blogging. This has been an amazing ride. I was opinionated, passionate, looked upon as hater, chauvinist pig, racist, anti — this, anti–that…….But in the end I enjoyed this.

IPL got me huge hits. 22000 hits in a year is a decent stat. People from USA, India and SL read this blog. I write a lot. Write more what comes in my mind. I have strong opinions on cricket. Strong liking for my generation of players — the players of 90s. The players who attained their peak in 2000s. That was an era when the Indian cricket changed for good.

From being a good team who won occasionally it became one of the best team in the world.

I had another blog then — Taking Strike, 22 Yards, Willow and Leather blog. All one. Finally google deleted that blog on behest of somebody I dont know. I was measured and practical over that blog. This is my 3rd cricket blog.

And the longest one.

First one lasted for a month when I accidentally deleted it after the worst tournament country ever played. Yup the 50 over world cup of 2007. Then the second one. 8 months, 340 posts and 5130 hits.

Sydney 2008 broke me on cricket blogging and I closed it down. Didnt blog during IPL – 1. Thought about it, didnt feel so to blog.

And then India won SL series in 2008 after Mendis wrecked the reputations of Indian middle order and prompted two of its best players to fade out. Thats one of the reasons I dislike SL (if you use word dislike)

I was back to the blog and with time I grew cynical. People whacked me. Some truths they didnt want to hear. Q labelled me as hater. Homer took me on when I commented as Sam and happily replied to my posts when I was anonymous :P.

Prabhu and Raj(ni) termed me anti-Tamil Nadu cos I dislike dancing jack of Indian cricket — KKD and Subbu Dabri.

All happened here, I did not fade. I wont fade. I shall blog. I shall continue. Arm Ball turns one. If you feel something for it, do drop a note for it even if you hate it.

I know I cant attain the skills of writing some of the bloggers — Homer, Gaurav, SP, Soulberry have. But I am here to express my joy and my anger when my team plays. My team as in my country.

So something would change here. The content. The style. The “hatred”. Sri Lanka wont be blogged. 26/11 wont be blogged. Tough to forget this but then this hurts.

Happy Birthday AB.

Written by Sam

August 29, 2009 at 3:55 pm

Posted in Arm Ball, Blogger, India

Mumbaikar quits blogging.

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Homer quit the blogging. Well the world knows me as anti Homer blogger. Somebody who willingly took him on. That was not the case. I was on his side for most of the issues especially when it came to taking on PCB and its headless boss. Or taking on the case of Test cricket. I wasnt quite well with him when he was supporting Mumbai. There was a reason behind it. IMO Mumbai isnt the team it was in the past. And barring Zaheer, Tendulkar there is just no one who could carry the baton forward. The MI players are shit and they fade when taken in same breath as the old greats.

There was an interesting comment on his bid adieu post from my bete noir Prabu. He feels that I copy pasted topics for my blog from Homer. Ridiculous. Disgusting. I have my own ideas and opinions, the world finds them crooked or too passionate or too anti — something (SL, TN, Pak, …..) but I dont copy paste from anywhere. Not that I can write to soothe anybody and win over comments. I used to bother a lot before for the comments, but now I dont. I write for myself n shall do so as long as I like.

Homer was excellent in his analysis and there is no doubt that I can never do that kind of analysis over rules and other issues. My passion rules over the logic most of the times. I believe in facts and figures too. And the same when quoted put off people who want to see their heroes immortalized here too. Sorry. Not my forte.

I just hope that the Mumbai man returns to the blogging and rethinks. In fact does a Abdul Razzaq or a Imran Khan to blogging.

If not then like its bid adieu to Freddie, its wishing all the best to Homer as well and lot of thinking caps to Prabu to get well soon over his hysteria for me.

Good jab Homer as they say it here in America. Yo Baby.

Written by Sam

August 25, 2009 at 3:47 am

SL snubs Pakistan too ??

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That’s what you call double catastrophe. After royale Indian snub, most likely Lankans are also planning to drop Pakistan in lurch……All cos Arjuna Ranatunga was sacked. Good idea right now for Pakistan would be to have a domestic cricket tourney with ex-international players led by Shoaib Malik, the ICL dump led by Inzamam Ul Haq and terrorist team led by anybody out of LeT or Huji or any militant organization flourishing in Pakistan………

.Srilanka is unlikely to tour Pakistan with authorities reconsidering the decision of sacked Cricket Board Chairman Arjuna Ranatunga to support India’s stance of not touring that country following the recent terror attacks in Mumbai

“We follow a pro-India policy. We know the circumstances in which the Indian tour to Pakistan was called off. The tour (of Sri Lanka to Pakistan) is unlikely,” top sources said.

When contacted, Sri Lankan Sports and Recreation Minister Gamini Lokuge said he would hold discussions with the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa on the issue. “We are reconsidering the decisions taken by Arjuna Ranatunga,” Lokuge said adding that the Foreign Ministry would also be consulted on the proposed tour.

And this is not worse, ICL and IPL are also planning to dump Pakistani players out of their leagues…..So no cricket for them!!! All their bloggers could do is have a wishful thinking of a fight between Sachin or Dravid and Dhoni or Yuvraj………….

GOD save Pakistan cricket and may it provide some relief to the beleaguered PCB with some decent cricket………May be invite BD for a Test series or Zimbabwe for an ODI series…..

Written by Sam

December 24, 2008 at 9:07 am

DHoni drama, SL series win and Q’s polarization

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So now when there is nothing for the media on senior debate to follow up on, they have targetted the hot and happening skipper Dhoni for the latest sensation. A small ‘disagreement’ is now blown up to as disgusting as ‘DHoni Resignation drama’…..Wish the media in India could grow up and concentrate on the game tomorrow rather than creating useless controversies in the team. Irfan would be feeling outsider in the team owing to this alleged drama…….

Suddenly England now seems to be hit hard by the enlightment drama and when they have suffered at the hands of umps in 3rd ODI, they feel the laws should be changed. If the same thing was concern, why not sign an agreement over the usage of flood lights before the series started ? Why now ?

SL have hammered Zimbabwe for 67 and have won the series. Great stuff. Minnow hunters. Not surprising if MJ would rant they are one of the best teams in the world with lots of positives out of this series agaisnt Zim……They next play against BD in BD :)…More wins and more points, climbing up the ODI rankings table….

WHat a joke…..

It seems that Q the passionate Pakistani blogger has been successful in polarizing bloggers against ME. Now nobody visits me or even comments on the shit posts, I write here. Thanks Q. You have all the power in the world to rant about BCCI or Indian cricket, but when I do I am biased and opinionated and anti – Pakistani. Wow double standards. Why dont u bother to keep ur views on world cricket to urself. Good for u if u dont polarize opinions against ME for my anti Pakistan tirades….

Written by Sam

November 22, 2008 at 11:51 am