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Best Middle Order Effort reads 11,21,2, 18 and 7

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There was a headline in the Cricinfo feed that Mahela Jayawardhene praised the middle order for their effort.
A look at the middle order performance and leaving out his 100 and captain’s 92, the other efforts read 11,21,2, 18 and 7 (last 2 being not out). By what standards are this numbers praiseworthy? What did MJ smoke before writing that article or blabbering again in the media?
Have Lankans decided that they are always going to say good things, show great attitude in the field even when the middle order fails, the mystery bowler fails to take wickets for the top order?  Are they always going to say politically correct things in the public thus fooling themselves?
We’ve never heard any real feedback from the MJs and Sangas in the media about the problems / issues facing their team. They are always following well laid processes, are as good as they can and you can add as many jargons / words / phrases as you wish, but still Lankans are not the world beaters in any format. They have failed to win a Test match after Murali retired, yet they are …….

Written by Sam

February 22, 2011 at 9:28 pm

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