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Vizag rants

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With Dhawan gone first over its going to be one of Srikanth lads coming in for the opening slot. It could be Srikanth Kris himself or it could be Anni Srikanth. Dhawan was always a scapegoat and nothing more. Srikanth has had his agenda fulfilled. Soon the Mumbai-Delhi or Delhi-Delhi pair wont be opening for India in ODIs and Tests anymore. Its going to be Srikanth-Srikanth pair henceforth.

Srikanth son and Srikanth croonie.

India’s ODI display is poor and pathetic. The bowling today at the end overs was simply club standard led by R Vinay Kumar who bowled full tosses in the slog overs. Where did the hunger for success and excellence go? Perhaps easy road to India team is one reason why this lads dont value their India cap any more. They are happy playing for Srinis, Mallayas, Zintas and all.

Vinay Kumar would be on his way out after this ODI and Munaf Patel might come in. A loser traded for loser. WHy is Sreesanth not in the ODI team? Has he played too much cricket? He just played solitary Test. Does Srikanth look at him as a mere Test bowler?

2010 is a poor year for India in ODIs. On one hand we have excellence of Tests and triumphs to boast of, on the other hand we have Jadejas, Vijays, Dhawans, Vinays and Rohit Sharmas to tolerate of in LoIs.

And if this are future of Indian cricket god save Indian cricket once the greats retire.

Though there are big names to come still in the batting, but the Australian bowling attack is rookie and inexperienced. And thats the difference. They have hunger to excel, our Vinays and all are duds. Rants on Srikanth but he hardly listens. On the name of rest and young, he is giving away India caps as if some Chennai restaurant sells off Vada Sambhar or a Delhi stall sells off Golgappe and chat.

Written by Sam

October 20, 2010 at 1:40 pm

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