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Undisputed # 1

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Win or lose toss, India wins the Test.

Compare that to SL, they have to prepare flat pancakes to ensure their team bats on and on and at the end one bowler balls unchanged to win a Test.

For India it does not matter where we play — pancake, featherbed, sporting, fast, bouncy, slow, low. We win every game.

Our captain has not won last 10 tosses and India has lost just 2 of those Tests.  They have won 3 consecutive Tests chasing. 

They would win their next 3 Tests once again.

We have had no fixed opening batsmen, no fixed middle order, no fixed bowling attack thanks to injuries, yet everyone who comes in even as stop gap rises to occassion, shows his character and wins the Tests for India.

Mithun, Ishant, IPL Ojha, Pujie, Bijoy,  Raina….

So we are undisputed # 1 in Tests. Sharda Ugra make a note of it. 

Written by Sam

October 14, 2010 at 5:15 pm

Posted in India

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