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India vs Australia Preview – 1

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The Australia Test series is just under a month away and for the test cricket romantics its the best series cricket witnesses irrespective of rankings and personnel. 1990s and 200s have provided some memorable contests between the 2 teams and the balance has been delicately shifted to the either of the team in few years.
Since the disastrous tour of 1991 when India lost 0-4, the Indians have evolved into a tough opposition for Australia. Here is the breakup of the results and matches post 1991 :
1996 : India 1-0 (1)
1998 : India 2-1(3)
2000: Australia 3-0(3)
2001 : India 2-1 (3)
2003 : 1-1 (4)
2004 : Australia 2-1(4)
2007 : Australia 2-1(4)
2008 : India 2-0(4)
So here’s the cumulative breakup:
Total : 26
India : 10
Aus : 10
Draw : 6
Included are the Sydney Tests of 2004 and 2008 when India could have been the winners but for Steve Bucknor and….
Included is Chennai Test of 2004 when the final day rains prevented an Indian victory and a Sehwag classic. India needed another 201/210 runs to win on day 5 and Sehwag had hit Pidge for 3 fours in the last over of 4th day. Earlier Simon Katich and Jason Gillespie had denied lower 4th innings target for India as in Sydney earlier in 2004.
So the batting lineup for India is more or less decided:
1. Sehwag
2. Gambhir.
3. Dravid
4. Tendulkar
5. Laxman
6. Raina
7. Dhoni
And the bowling attack should be: Zaheer, Ishant, ?, ?
Given his reputation and his equations, Harbhajan would be one of the contenders and the second spot would be fought between IPL Ojha, Amit Mishra and Ashvin if he comes good in the tour game.
The other 2 reserve batsmen should be Yuvraj and Pujara.

Written by Sam

September 13, 2010 at 7:37 pm

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