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Why England cannot win Ashes

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A team suffering with frequent collapses cannot expect to win Ashes. A team that has its skipper without a 100 for 22 innings and its best batsman without a 100 for close to 2 years and 26 innings cannot expect to win Ashes. A team which has a frequent violator of thin line between aggression and arrogance cannot expect to win Ashes.

When a new kid on the horizon skittles out a team proposing itself to be # 1 despite 5th on rankings, that team cannot expect to win Ashes.

Playing in a country when they last lost a series 0-5, they cannot expect to win Ashes.

In short, England cannot win Ashes at this point of time. Or in MoYo style for now.

By the way can we lure Mohd Aamer to play for India rather than play for Pakistan ? In India he would have a calmer dressing room and good IPL money would beckon.

Worth a thought ? Super bowler.

Written by Sam

August 27, 2010 at 1:03 pm

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