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Act on Dilshan Sanga…Will you? I believe no

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To those who quote that there was an over reaction to the Randigate, my simple answer is  that this team harps a lot on the character (every player has rich loads of character so much so that it leaks out in every statement, press confrence and syndicated articles), so this act of delibrate no bowling was a bolt on their character.
A player signalling Randi to bowl a deliberate no ball is in line of the under arm ball bowled by Trevor Chappell on behest of his brother Greg Chappell.
Many have reacted that other teams also follow the tactics to debarr other player of making a hundred. Fine. But that does not get caught on camera as it did for Randi Kallumullah.  Thats same as all teams do some bit of ball tampering, but except Pakistanis none of them get caught on the camera.
There are differences in every dressing room, but not all of them come in open as it does in Pakistan.
I would be very keen to read Sangakara to make a statement on his wish that he would take the action on fact if somebody had deliberately asked Randi to ball a no ball. Now that Dilshan is out in open as the culprit it would be interesting to see what action Sangakara takes on Dilshan and whether Dilshan gets to play in Delhi Daredevils anymore? DD is inevitable without Virender Sehwag, but Dilshan  ? Well he is not the player anymore he was in 2009.

Written by Sam

August 20, 2010 at 11:53 am

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