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MSD snubbed Srikanth in his wedding

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MSD must surely not have invited Kris Srikanth to his wedding in DehraDun…..Srikanth must have said if he came to the wedding he would be accompanied by his croonies — BossaDK, Dabri and Vijay.
MSD is not comfortable with BossaDK as later is always a replacement for him in the team. So he would not like to have taken any chances to invite Bossa just to avoid any further embarrasment in the wedding.
Srikanth is fumed over this snub and he is planning to dislodge MSD from skipper hood next series and looking forth to make one of Chennai Fooper Kinker captain.
PS : Post meant for fun. Srikanth fans from Japan (somebody posts comments in Chinese/ Japanese/Korean stuff on every post), please do not get offended.

Written by Sam

July 5, 2010 at 5:19 pm

Posted in MSD, Srikanth

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