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Zimbabwe Botches Up. SL Prevail.

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Zimbabwe botched it up to kick Lanka out of the tournament. What were they thinking. 43 off 5 was not a huge target. They must be kicking themselves up. They would have saved us further torture having to see Sangakara blabber. Were they  playing a ODI in 5 overs ?
Or they had a myopic vision failing to see the hovering cloud cover ?
All is still not yet lost for them mathematically but they’d certainly rue that they botched up a guhe chance to kick Lankans out of the tournament.
All the more pitiful to see Jayasurya coming at 7 and holding onto what he does the best. Any day he is a better batsman than Kapudegra, Mathews, Silvermal and Sangakara, but the ego makes him come at 7. He should feel he’s had enough of Sanga and call it quits. And Mahela scored a 100. IPL form continues.

Written by Sam

May 4, 2010 at 1:09 am

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