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What am I missing of IPL on TV

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Cricket is back on the prime time slot, this time its good old international cricket. Between 2 countries. That gets you involved emotionally, feeling the tension, attaching every drop of feeling to the country you support (India of course).
Its quite different from 45 days of pathetic coverage of IPL on Sony Max.
There are no glimpses of Lalit Modi in suave attires rubbing shoulders and cheeks with Bollywood beauties(??).
There are no cliches of DLF Maximums, Time out from Mini Mobiles or heck no Citibank momemt of failures for anybody.
There are no city based loyalties anymore.
There is a national anthem played for every country. We see national flags being hoisted rather than club flags which do not involve us emotionally.
There are no tweets from Modi, Shashi Tharoor and of course Shilpa Shetty on the World T20 because they dont understand what international cricket is all about. May be if Sreesanth was playing Tharoor had displayed “Kerala Pride” in his tweets, which he so cheaply used in statements in Parliament while defending his bribery act.  He did not feel Kerala’s pride was at stake when he got a female friend do the work and get him some money to get dollars to pay his staff (he feels Rs 14k are not good enough to pay his staff, so he volunteers).
There are no mad musical jings in between every over or no ads between balls.
There are no Bollywood folks in the dressing rooms, dugouts and TV shamelessly laughing and giggling all over for no reason.
In short the crapiness of IPL telecast has given way to more sobre and decent World T20 coverage, something we have watched all over years (we have watched international cricket with the game at center stage, not the croonies and jokers taking center stage).
Last but not the least Lalit Modi is clinging to his baby IPL on Twitter so much that he has turned to a quizmaster who does not get answers from anybody.  He poses trivia, does not find any takers and then answers themselves. He’s following Tharror but Tharoor like a small kid has unfollowed Modi on Twitter.
Laugh out loud~!!!~~

Written by Sam

May 1, 2010 at 3:51 am

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