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What Sushy actually did

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Shashi Tharoor posed himself a martyr and innocent,  faked ignorance and in the end was dumped in the dust bin after the government had enough of him. Truly cattle class behavior after being one of the better imaged minister in the group of jokers and puppets of the Queen.

But what he has ensured is the deeper scrutiny and opening up of pandora box. The Yadav troika and Mamta Didi who at best are bigots are now demanding BCCI takeover. And guess what if that happens who would take over BCCI chief post ?  Sures Kalmadi. Lol. 

Pushy lady has ensured the IPL remains in the headlines for wrong reasons after she lured Sushy Twiteroor out of the government berth. Time she is shunted to Sheikh land to ensure that the nexus of Bollywood bigots and socialites is broken in game of Cricket.

Written by Sam

April 20, 2010 at 3:55 pm

Posted in IPL

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