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Height of indecency!!

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I’ve seen dew before, but never like this. I wouldn’t want to field in conditions like this, my bowlers wouldn’t want to bowl in these conditions. The difference is, literally, day and night. Perhaps we need an 11am start, and finish the games before 6.45pm types. Talks are on, everybody has to like the idea, including the TV network”

He did not like Kotla pitch in the impending defeat. 

He does not like dew in victory. 

Who the fuck is he to say this and get away ?  Scum!!

Have you seen a captain who cribs like this every time ? Why is he even playing ? Go make up with your wife and with your balls. No uneven bounce and dew right up there.

He is a fuck captain and he sets an example to the kids making debut in this series.  Captain cribakara.  WIn or lose, I’d crib. I’d say shit and I’d miff. 

Who is even talking to him ? MS ? Dare he talk to a loser cribber. 

This guy actually makes MJ look sane. He was decent. He did not challenge the authorities, he did not barge on the field. He did not take his team out when defeat loomed large. 

ICC needs to act first on this guy rather than the Kotla pitch.

Horrendous statement to make. Get off. Nobody likes to see your pig poker face speaking shit every time stepping onto the ground. Perennial loser!!

Written by Sam

January 4, 2010 at 4:55 pm

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