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A word on ongoing Test series

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New Zealand are so weak in the batting that they would make Pakistan’s seamers appear world class. A team which is led by a ICL rebel who not so long back had put national interests below his selfish aims and has a drug peddler caught red handed 2 times.
Their best man to lead is resting reeling after a player rebellion led by former skipper Shoaib Malik and their next man best to lead doesnt play Tests.
Their tests stats are absymal. Post SA win in 2007 they have failed to win a single test.
They are 6th in the rankings, their so called best spinner is a suspect action. And their leading Test wicket taker Danya Danya (as Kamran screams) is not even playing.
Lets not even talk about the Kiwis. Should we.
England vs South Africa should be a thriller.  India vs Sri Lanka would be damned due to latter’s tendency for negative cricket and want for batting records.

Written by Sam

November 24, 2009 at 1:01 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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