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Archive for October 2009

India vs Australia : Prediction 2

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My prediction for the India Australia series :

India 5-2 or 4-3.

Written by Sam

October 22, 2009 at 3:23 am

India vs Australia : Prediction 1

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Tendulkar, Sehwag, Gambhir, Yuvraj, Dhoni ‘s combination would be too good for Australia’s inexperienced bowling attack sans Lee to handle.

Bowling is a pain area for both the sides. And sans Ponting and Mrs Cricket they dont have anybody to take the might of Indian batting.

First prediction : Indians have the upper hand. And I wont need to rename my blog to the fake player in SL side. Hopefully.

Written by Sam

October 22, 2009 at 3:10 am

Viru’s best

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Viru’s best innings in his 67 Test career :
  1. 195 vs Australia, MCG, 2003
  2. 201 vs SL, Galle, 2008
  3. 180 vs Aus, Chennai, 2004 (or 200 not sure)
  4. 309 vs Pak, Multan 2004
  5. 153 vs Aus, Adelaide 2008

He is an asset to the Test team and his starts would chalk the future of India in Tests ahead. He should easily finish with 10000 test runs provided he remains fit.

He is close to 6000 runs in 67 tests and had he not missed those 9 tests in 2006-07 when Dilip Vengsarkar shamelessly promoted his state mate Wasim Jaffer on his expense, Sehwag would have got even more big scores.

A big score in Tests is due since long now. Better

Written by Sam

October 21, 2009 at 2:49 am

Happy bday veeru

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So our dear veeru turns 31 today. He is Ageing n getting to wot they say is a batsman s prime. But all this terms are useless for veeru s batting. He is my next fav player after Sachin n sourav. I wish he scores big in upcoming tests against lankans n saffers. A double n a triple. Hopefully a triple against lankans. Geeeee.

Written by Sam

October 20, 2009 at 4:09 pm

Posted in Virendar Sehwag

Usual Drama

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Story of Pakistan cricket forever.

Nothing new. Nothing unexpected.

One more series loss and this drama would repeat. As early as April 10. Or may be Australia series where they would lose Tests 0-3 and ODIs 1-4 or 0-5.

BTW, they havent beaten Australia in Tests for 15 years now…..

Written by Sam

October 19, 2009 at 10:19 pm

T&T a fairy tale

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Trinidad and Tobago’s progression to the semis is fairy tale.
Why not replace the entire crap WI team with this superb warriors of T&T team.

Written by Sam

October 18, 2009 at 8:53 pm

Happy Diwali.

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Its a festival of lights, festival of happiness and festival of prosperity.

Wishing all my readers, critics, Gill, Pakistani friends, Lankan friends, Raj, Prabhu and all those anonymous folks who drop by Arm Ball a very happy and prosperous Diwali and a successful year ahead.

Wishing all my Indian blogger friends and readers a Shubh Deepawali. Stay safe and may Goddess Lakshmi shower all blessings on you folks and lots of dollars on me 🙂

Stay safe and be blessed. My first diwali outside India and the best Diwali I remember cricketwise is of October 1987 when India had defeated Australia in Reliance World Cup in the last league game.

I wish we get lot of opportunities this coming year to burn crackers (patakhe in Hindi) owing to the continued success of our team in every Test series and WT20 and ODI series plays.

Once again guys, happy Diwali :D. Mithaiyaa bhijwa do ji……Connecticut me kitthe mithai milani haaa….

Written by Sam

October 17, 2009 at 2:34 am

Posted in Festival

Indian ODI team

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The usual suspects who got in the team are none but Munaf Patel and Ravinder Jadeja. They dont exhibit much confidence.

Munaf has a attitude issue. If Free for all Santh has a fiery attitude, then Numma has a laidback attitude. You’d never know if he is switched on or if he is dreaming of a hug by Shilpa Shetty, his IPL team co-owner.

He had a huge pace 3 years back, now he has 120. Ding Dong you would bark on this, I know this. He would be a fake McGrath and would no longer be the bowler he was just for once he was in that tour game in 2006 vs England when he broke timber with his pace.

Sudeep Tyagi is a good choice, but not sure if he would be able to play more than a or 2 ODIs. If he makes his debut and gets a decent success against Australia, he would be a major find for the country.

And then we can say “Sreesanth gaya tel lene”.

Batting order more or less is settled with the only questions on # 7 ?

Tendulkar, Sehwag, Gambhir, Yuvraj, Dhoni, Raina, Ravinder Jadeja ?, Harbhajan, Ishant, Neehra and Mishra / Tyagi.

First 6 is settled combination that looks good for the world cup at home.

The number 7 is now a fresh hunt for a bowling allrounder in the mould of Firaan Pathan. Either he or naybody half as good as him would do. Preferably fast Gill bowler.

Written by Sam

October 16, 2009 at 9:53 pm

Indian selectors prove they are jokers

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He got the raw deal in 1993. He gave a raw deal to India’s 3rd greatest batsman and 2nd highest international run scorer just after Tendulkar. The man in contention is Kris Srikanth. Thought to be better than the likes of Kiran More and his predecessors he is seeming to be even more crazier than Dilip Vengsarkar, his 80s team mate and other supposed to be level minded cricketer. Both are proven to be ridiculous selectors.

Everyone had forgotten about Dravid, the ODI player for 2 years. And suddenly you find him in the probables for CT. He did a fair job in scoring 180 runs in 5 games. And then he is dropped. Why? What are the benchmarks ? What are the reasons ? When the likes of Yousuf Pathan and Rohit Sharma can be given a long run for being young, the likes of Dravid and Ganguly are dropped albeit just for being old. Dravid didnt do a wrong thing in this 5 ODIs he played. 5 ODis is not enough to judge a player.

And that too with a man of Dravid’s stature. Even a fake player like Jayawardhene plays on long in ODIs when he scores 3 ducks back to back. This isnt a way to deal a senior player like Dravid. If this was to be done, then he should not have been included in the ODi scheme as well. Called on the ground of so called weakness of short pitched stuff where the IPL beauties cant play Dravid laid the fears of short ball to rest. Not a single batsman went out to a short ball in the Lankan tri series.

Selectors have shown that they are jokers just like Mohinder Amarnath had famously said 20 years back. That still holds true to this date. Its a sick irony that the likes of Srikanth and Vengsarkar have proved to be same category selectors as the wise fool men as in their times. Who is next ? Tendulkar ? Likes of Hirwani and Raju would decide on the likes of Tendulkar and Dravid ? Cheap way to handle complex affairs. The selectors lack maturity.

Thanks to the quality of players we have (most of the XI) we are way above the mess of Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Else the Srikanths and Dilips are no different than Qasims , Sohails and the Baris of Pakistan and those unpronounciable names from Sri Lanka. Unfortunately the likes of Srikanth and his touts would stay on for long for now. And thats a disgrace to the Indian cricket.

Written by Sam

October 15, 2009 at 11:09 pm

Fake IPL Player returns!!

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Written by Sam

October 14, 2009 at 10:51 pm

Posted in Fake IPL Player