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Man of the hour

with 6 comments

Man of the hour :

Let me tell you who is not.

No Samarweera or Bug bear…

No Mendis who was huge last year this tem.

No Younis Khan or Boom Boom womanizer.

No Fab Four group member. No Indian either.

Its somebody unfamiliar. Somebody who won the Ashes yet wasnt given the credit. Who was disgraced by every blogger all over the world.

I bet my 10 cents on his team and his team is in the semi finals.

He is Andrew Strauss.

One day he recalls a loser when he was out.

Second day he denies a real hero a runner when he needed the most.

Graeme Smith is second. Angelo Matthews is first.

I would beat the heat out of Strauss for denying Smith a runner.

Smith is a real hero. Forgot his heroics in Sydney last innings ? Out with bat in a broken hand ? Time and again he has been the lone ranger in his team’s wins and defeats.

So the man of the moment is Gream C Smith. Poorna wont like it. But she has to. Real heroes are liked by everybody.

And I noticed my blog isnt so popular in Sri Lanka. I have noticed in google that they say something about me in their local language.

What do i say ? Something which Dancing baby adores :

‘Naan oru thadava sonna nooru thadava sonna mathiri” Sri Lanka s a boring team to watch and so is their cricket in the backyard where no body cheers on boundaries but just a boring band keeps playing….

Raj and Prabhu can decode wot i wrote in the quotes above. Rajanikanth dialouge which says If i say it once, its like saying it 100 times. Lol. That I think would be my punch line of the blog.

Btw, the man of the hour is Graeme Smith for his heroics yet again.

Written by Sam

September 29, 2009 at 2:49 am

6 Responses

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  1. The hero had to cover up his miserable captaincy with his batting skills. Now that he's made that effort, everybody will be like 'Aww, poor Biff, he tried so hard'. Conveniently forgetting that he was a big part of why England got past 300 in the first place. And his bowlers.

    And you spelled my name wrong πŸ˜›


    September 29, 2009 at 4:22 am

  2. yes runner should be given to everybody who is tired after batting…

    straight point

    September 29, 2009 at 6:18 am

  3. No offence but you're calling Sri Lanka a boring team? I think they are probably the most interesting team there is, and watching a match in Sri Lanka seems perfect.


    September 29, 2009 at 11:47 pm

  4. Kissmycricket, SL is boring team to me. for u it i snot. personal choices πŸ™‚


    September 30, 2009 at 2:30 am

  5. SP, a good idea. and a pointer to πŸ˜›


    September 30, 2009 at 2:30 am

  6. Purna, MS and GS suffer the same fate. Poor bowlers!!


    September 30, 2009 at 2:31 am

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