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Warm up game pointers

with 3 comments

Dancing baby cant play in a warm up game tooo…..He opened with Dravid and hit a IPL style 20 and got out thinking he was playing a T20 and his job done.

He has played his quota of the game on the tour. He is not getting any game once the main tourney starts and in the match of the tournament — vs Pakistan there would be no Praveen Kumar, RP Singh and no Dancing baby…

Bowling looks now a worry too 😀

Written by Sam

September 20, 2009 at 5:10 pm

Posted in Dinesh Karthik

3 Responses

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  1. I dont see why you have to blame him. No one else performed in this match. He atleast got India off to a start. There are other players in the team who seem to be getting free rides more often than DK. And when you are chasing 302, you do need to play a bit of a dashing innings.

    bowling 'now' looks a worry? If they continue like this, an early exit is on the cards ths time around as well.


    September 20, 2009 at 11:36 pm

  2. yes its true dravid is a good player


    September 21, 2009 at 12:57 pm

  3. yes its true dravid is a good player


    September 21, 2009 at 12:57 pm

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