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Age is just a number

with 2 comments

Old timers are enjoying the week right now across the globe. Jaya and Tendulkar along with Dravid in subcontinent. Ponting in England.

Who said cricket is for youth ?

Perform and keep persisting.

Age doesnt matter. Its just a number. Much for hysteria of the buffoons who know nothing on the game and for whom sustaining the limelight is the only purpose.

How does it matter if you are 25 and keep scoring 20s and 30s remain in the team but a batsman who has had just 5 bad ODIs is dropped for 2 long years. And the man who scores 10700 ODI runs, only 3rd or 4th man in the history to have 10k runs in both formats goes out just cos he is 34. Was 34.

A 40 year old man scores a 98 in the game against India and the 32 year old scores just 1 and 17 and 31 year old hits himself out. And 37 year old takes 5-for in almost every 2nd or 3rd inning and a 26 year old fails after the initial hyesteria.

The top 4 wicket takers are the ones who blossomed in the later years of their careers. The drug abused blonde star who took 40 wickets in losing cause took close to 400 wkts in 2nd part of his career. A jaw broken bowler took 350 wkts in his last 5 years of career when people had written him off.

A 36 year old batsman has scored 9 international hundreds since May 2007 and 7 90s. Out of which many were wrong decisions.

Age is just a number. Fold the number and flush it in the commode of your loo.

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  1. Your contact field doesn't have an email address in it! 😦

    Royal Challengers Bangalore is holding a Fanatic Fans Challenge, wanted to share details with you and readers.

    They're looking for (1)Chief Blogger (2) Chief Photographer and (3)Chief RCB Fan to tour Champions League with them next month as part of their Fanatic Fans Challenge.

    It's a great opportunity for hardcore fans to meet the team up close and personal, and for budding sports bloggers, photographers, commentators etc. to get hands on experience and mass exposure. And it's an all expense paid trip!

    You should apply yourself, and encourage your readers to apply at http://www.royalchallengers.com/fanaticfanschallenge

    appreciate your help,
    nidhi/Team FFC


    September 16, 2009 at 7:34 am

  2. indeed sam… age is just a number… particularly when you don't have to field…

    straight point

    September 16, 2009 at 8:39 am

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