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Ashes day 3

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Prick in the ass Ponting scores 38th 100 and now he has put his team firm positioned to win it handsomely weather permitting.

England were simply without plans or plan B when Pupps and South got going North with their partnerships.

Panesar and Swann were expected to wringle Aussies in a jeans and dump in the sea nearby, instead they got swamped for runs.

Anderson who was supposed to be the reverse swing master, couldnt even swing the ball. After all not all can reverse swing it like Zakso. Well m talking of Tests, so no Umar Gul mention here. And he was a dud in the Galles Test.

North and Haddin are still batting and not to mention Mitch is yet to come. So a quick fire batting with over 120 runs in first session, day 4 would mean England would go down 0-2 very soon. Not even 10 days of tight contest. Oh my, Ashes would be decided so soon.

England are screwed, big time. Only Indar bhagwan can save them. Yeah ask them to please Indar bhagwan for some rains. Thats the only saving grace for Pommies.

Written by Sam

July 11, 2009 at 5:04 am

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  1. Bamble , at teh eend of days play .. the way England are reeling now .. 20 / 2 now I dont think Inder bhagwaan can do his bit. Eng are screwed big time …

    Bamble .. thanks for blogrolling me . But I feel that teh url needs to be corrected . The one you have added had a post which was abt 4 month ago . Pls add this url .. http://sillypoint1.blogspot.com

    Web Lost

    July 11, 2009 at 9:38 pm

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