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Emotional reasons

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No team should win a major tournament on emotional reasons or cindrella reasons. Just cos one team has been attacked in a country or just that due to that attack, the country where the attack happened, the cricket dies there, it doesnt mean that both countries should be favorite to win the World T20.

Its a simple reasoning. Perform consistently with bat, ball. Win against strong teams and win the trophy.

Emotional reasons should never propel a team to being termed as favorite. If Pakistan and Sri Lanka have to win the World T20, they would need to fire as a team. Not on the basis of what happened in Lahore 2009.

Written by Sam

May 31, 2009 at 6:39 pm

Posted in World T20

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  1. Thats right.. they shud win cos of cricketing reasons but maybe the world cup snub, the champions league snub, and the sad state the country is in, may inspire the Pakistanis to do well with the bat or ball.

    That is the reasoning.

    As for them being one of the favorites.. its cos they’re good at t20.


    May 31, 2009 at 7:42 pm

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