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Miandad ka muh band karao, 50 paise inaam pao

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I expected it from the Indian cricket board but it was very disappointing to see that no board has spoken out against it,” The News quoted Miandad, as saying. He charged the BCCI of influencing the decisions of the International Cricket Council (ICC), and boards of other cricket playing countries.

“I have realized now that everything can be bought with the power of money. India with the power of its money has earned the support from all stakeholders and we find no one who could listen and support us,”

You should say listen and support me, Javed Blabber Miandad. Not us dude. I guess you should be moving with a clown hat and a tape on your mouth. Enough of it son. You just proving you are a lampoon. Pakistan’s Shrikhand.

SP says it with full humor ji. Cost to keep himself quiet. Nothing in this birth ji. he has had this banter against Indians since his playing days. When he used to come to bat, he used to sledge Indians. Thanks the Indians were fickle minded those days, they caved in. This age no one gives an rat’s ASS to this dude.


More rants.

I believe Pakistan has banned its players from touring India owing to whatever (obvious) reasons, so how come BCCI has a fault here. Speak to MMS dude. MMS as in the Prime minister of India.

Written by Sam

May 28, 2009 at 6:04 pm

Posted in BCCI, Javed Miandad

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