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Not quite Imran’s Pakistan : Imran the cricketer

with 14 comments

Somebody said when Imran Khan retired, the soul of Pakistan cricket retired. Later on, the team was marred with ego fights, player scuffles, persona over team issues. Miandad got the license to stamp his authority which he couldnt do after Imran cos Wasim Akram became the captain and then a stupid game of chipping and chopping captains began.

Michael Jeh compares the series against Australia in desert with the teams of yore which Imran Khan led here.

Written by Sam

May 10, 2009 at 9:08 am

14 Responses

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  1. I’d read that some time back.

    Now u c Sam – here’s where u get it wrong and why people think that u don’t get the sense of arguement.

    Not for a second did I think that Micheal Jeh was undermining Pakistan cricket. What he’s written is positive criticism.

    We don’t scoff at stuff like that.

    We scoff at stuff like “Let me check, Michael Jeh is not Indian. Ah well. BCCI would be blame free”


    May 10, 2009 at 9:20 am

  2. good job Q. Enough of your preaching mate on me and my so called lack of ability.

    I read your comment on Ache’s blog. lack of argument with me? I guess its with you when you say India is behind stripping Pakistan of its world cup hosting rights.

    didnt u or did i miss argument there too.

    sour grapes mate. Are u the only Pak blogger? What about the able admins who run your country’s cricket? dont they scoff? dont your other bloggies scoff? i would need to dig in to find that stuff, but i have it.

    Go teach ur cricket admins some sense of argument. not me. that wont help u mate πŸ™‚

    i piss off at the obsession of anti india u guys have got. let go of politics, look into cricket.


    May 10, 2009 at 9:25 am

  3. Son, again.. where have i blamed india for stripping Pakistan of its hosting rights? I’d like you to point it to me.. i have never ever suggested anything like that..

    So buddy, it is yet again u misconstruing things.

    Anti India? Me? Dude uve got it all wrong!


    May 10, 2009 at 9:28 am

  4. Its been u who has always been anti pakistan!


    May 10, 2009 at 9:29 am

  5. Yes Q, i m being anti Pakistani. i wont deny that. I mean i get a high on being anti Pakistani. Ranting against them!!



    May 10, 2009 at 9:30 am

  6. I didnt even say your name in the post. i said Pakistan bloggers. Are you lonesome Pakie blogger? I dont think so. So why take it on urself and preach me morality ?


    May 10, 2009 at 9:31 am

  7. Why dont u tell me where I have blamed India? I want to see it.

    Or maybe for a change u will accept that u did not understand what was being said and accused me of something I did not do.

    Go on. do it!


    May 10, 2009 at 9:31 am

  8. Q, do you read Butt and Miandad’s comments? Didnt you blame ICC the way it worked (last sentence of r comment) ?


    May 10, 2009 at 9:31 am

  9. Is that all u read Sam? the last sentence?

    I shud have know that is what ur reading ability was.

    I dont even know why im wasting my time here arguing with u cos u obviously still dont understand anything.

    How is calling the ICC a shit house the same thing as blaming India?

    U still havent pointed me to where I have blamed India.

    I am not preaching morality.. i am scoffing at the way u think..


    May 10, 2009 at 9:35 am

  10. thank you q for your preachings. before doubting my reading or writing abilities or analytical abilities it would help your belaguered country if you share your wisdom and pragmatic analysis ability with the bosses of your cricket setup.

    That wud be precious and help your country including Talibs to get some cricket played in a land of civil war and flying bombs and grenades.


    May 10, 2009 at 9:38 am

  11. Sam,

    Im not arguing anymore.

    I want to know where I have blamed India.

    And since u will not find it, I want u to say that u accused me falsely.

    Do u have it in u to do that?


    May 10, 2009 at 9:40 am

  12. nahi pai, apne me utni analytical ability nahi hai ki aapki baat me dosh nikal sake….

    you win. i rest my case.


    May 10, 2009 at 9:42 am

  13. Its not abt sahi or ghalat Sam.. nor is it abt analytical ability.

    Its about understanding..


    May 10, 2009 at 9:44 am

  14. paai, statement i made was generic more aimed towards Ijaz Butt, Miandad and other bloggers (not U) who are obsessed!!

    case rested. Thank you. Feedback noted.


    May 10, 2009 at 9:49 am

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