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Arm Ball 17th on cricket blips

with 6 comments

I am right there at 17 at the cricket rankings right here.
JRod at top, Mumbai Homer at 2, Q at 3 and APU at 4.

Congs APU, you deserve to go right at the top. Go APU. But take me to the top as well :). My 17th rank is not bad given the fact that I lack analysis power (per few guys) and almost fail to understand the essence of the arguments (again per few guys)….

Good job dude. Go top!!!

Written by Sam

May 9, 2009 at 2:24 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

6 Responses

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  1. Chalo atleast u acknowledge that u fail to understand the essence of arguement. Oh wait, u dont.. u just mention that a few other guys say that abt you.. ๐Ÿ™‚


    May 9, 2009 at 2:34 pm

  2. Q, i mix politics with cricket. i dont understand the argument. I dont have analysis. Cud be true cud not be true. i dont know. i dont care.

    All i say is i dont hate a team just cos they were on top. i dont spread cynicism, i dont see any team in lower light just cos i support a city team or i come from a particular city.

    And people are welcome to have their opinions or spread the word. For them i cant take a step back and stop writing or write for the gallery. Nope, i dont write for that. i dont write for sensations ๐Ÿ™‚

    BTW you hate me cos i ridicule the likes of Javed Miandad and Ijaz Butt who have messed up the PCB and Pakistan cricket. Didnt they?

    Anyways thanks for droppin here mate. i m in process of redefining my writing. may be i wud give up sarcasm and may be i wud bring up more humor.

    I hope u keep droppin with comment on cricketing matter ๐Ÿ™‚


    May 9, 2009 at 2:39 pm

  3. Son, I drop by all the time.. only comment on occasions when I feel I should ๐Ÿ™‚

    I don’t hate you, i just think that u have ur own views but u dont have any facts to support those views. Maybe u do but u cant explain them properly.

    U do spread cynicism – ur hate for the Pakistani and Sri Lankans is unfounded. U just like the bash Pakistan for ur own warped sense of things.

    U will never criticize an Aussie and u will never give credit to a Sri Lankan or Paki.

    That is u spreading cynicism..

    The rest of us blogging world are not like that.. we will praise an Aussie as well as diss him.. same goes for other teams and players..

    The way u view things is a bit off as well..

    For example my post abt Lee.. it was not because i have something against lee or Australia.. i was defending yusuf abdullah who is the top wicket taker..

    But see the reason u took it that is because thats how u think..


    May 9, 2009 at 2:46 pm

  4. thanks for the reply mate. My hate for Pakistan? And for SL ? May be.

    I wont criticise Aussie just for the sake of it like its a fashion here.


    May be my tone is a bit harsh or may be i dont feel myself a part of the network of the bloggers ๐Ÿ™‚

    About Pakistan : I would just say have a look at the things few of the administrators in the PCB say and do. Look at the innocence likes of Ajmal potray when they are reported. Look at the flip flop of ICL players esp Yousuf.

    Would you welcome that? Just for the sake of it?

    anyways i have noted the feedback and as they say in corportate world, would take care of it and imbibe the positive comments in my writing.

    I do criticise Australia too. No doubt. That is fact based, not blind criticism. Just cos Sreesanth sends off an Aussie i wont defend his behavior. He was wrong in sending off any batsman. Be it Amla in 06 or Roy in 07/08.

    On this episode somebody did criticise double standards of commentators and defended Sreesanth. i cant do that.

    thanks mate ๐Ÿ™‚


    May 9, 2009 at 2:56 pm

  5. i rest my case Q with a premise that i take your comments in stride and a look in to the writing setup here.


    May 9, 2009 at 3:00 pm

  6. Sam – I don’t criticize the Aussies either just for the sake of it. I criticize what requires criticizing and give credit to what requires credit.

    I don’t argue against the unprofessionalism of the PCB, but the thing is that u dont write abt that.. instead u write about how fucked up they all are and call them names and other shit.. u dont present ur arguements and resort to name calling and pointing fingers..

    Again – this is me trying to get my point across to u ๐Ÿ™‚


    May 9, 2009 at 4:23 pm

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