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Pakistani Chuck plays on

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The new chuck, the Pakistani one is bowling in the 3rd ham game in Abu Dhabi despite being called for illegal action. Why ? Now 2 bowlers with illegal action in the Pakistan team : Ajmal kasab and Shoaib Bear Hug Akhtar. I laughed my heart out when i read in cricinfo.com that Ajmal thought Watson sparked the process of him getting called for illegal bowling. How insane. Is he 3 yr old kid or 31 year old kid? I am sure even if Watson wud have kicked start the process, the umpire duo of Pakistan are mindless duds to accept blindly what Watson has to say ?

I think Pakistan needs to be set right here. Somebody got to sit with the mindless duo of PCB and warn them up left right and center to stop this bullshitting and fuckin crying foul. Pakistan has them all – Talibanis, Illegal bowlers, crying babies who are 50+ year old and of course Javed Miandad who feels that security in all 4 countries hosting WC 11 is whore. Ever since the country was carved out in 1947 it has been crying foul on Indians. Politically, physically, sportily and in almost every almost aspect.

Soulberry has written an excellent article on moaning and cribbing of Inti Alam on Ajam reporting.. Akram Ajam if in terms of IPL fake blogger. I would suggest some ICC boss sit with PCB and warn them stringently on this self pity crying.

Written by Sam

April 27, 2009 at 1:14 pm

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