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An embattled Aussie fan writes in desparation

with 2 comments

A note to Timmy (not Dimmy) and Punter :

Guys, please get in Shane Warne off IPL to bowl on to your ODI team in desert. Warnie is a legend even in the age of 40 and post him there is just no body in the Aussie la la land who could spin the ball half way a bit as he did. Watching him in IPL is pure delight and a walk back to those golden years of Aussie dominance when we used to get up early in morning to see him and Pidge bowl.

You guys need him. Not as a team member then as a supportive coach for bowling. He would give a lesson or two to the likes of Marsh, Roy, Clarke, Hussey and other who are just embarrasing the Australian name tag in the ODI arena. Guys let me not remind you that you are the world champions and you lost to a team that hasnt played any serious cricket in ages. You are loosing to a team which is full of rookies and attitude kings, guys who consider themselves over the team and just need some bit of pressure to crack out. Get that pressure in guys.

I am embarrased and fuckingly disappointed to see you give away victories to undeserving teams on a platter. Dont do that. You have only one supporter left in the entire world. And thats me. Keep pride of my predictions 4-1 victory for you guys in this desert safari.


A embattled Aussie fan

Written by Sam

April 24, 2009 at 3:15 am

2 Responses

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  1. He’d do them so much good if he were with them. I don’t think Australia has ever needed a good spinner as they do now.


    April 24, 2009 at 3:53 am

  2. yup and along with that they need to be taught how to play a spinner. It irritates me to see the champs going down to lesser of the lots like Van De Merve, Botha and Afridi!!!


    April 24, 2009 at 3:58 am

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