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Rohit Sharma : Time to dispatch him to domestic cricket

with 14 comments

This days if you happen to be young lad in Indian cricket and on top of that if you hail from Ranji Champion team Mumbai, then trust me you are going to be in the team for infinite time. Doesn’t matter, if you perform or if you don’t. To add to the toppings on the icing on the pizza cake, if your captain trusts you and ex-chief of selector publicly banks you as next Tendulkar shamelessly and if you once play a 55 in a must win T20 game in world championship and then you make 70 in the company of the BAAP of cricketing knowledge and batting down under (till then down under was big thing winning, this days anybody can do it), then you are in for the team for good.

Doesn’t matter if you average paltry 15 in the ODIs and just 4 in the T20s, you are still high hopes and billed as the next big thing in the Indian cricket. You happen to live in a chawl in Mumbai in not so good conditions and then suddenly you win the T20, be a part of world cup winning team something the greats Sachin, Rahul, Saurav, VVS and Anil couldn’t do, your life changes , you go and live in swanky Bandra apartment and you become a poster boy of media and cricket glitz. Despite all this runs never flow out of your bat and you never take the game to the next level.

Only way then left for the skipper is to drop you out of the playing XI and then for the selectors is to throw you back to the grind of domestic cricket. Yes, that’s what fate lies for you. Rohit Sharma, the Mumbai cricketer, the failure Indian batsman of SL series who neither had any bad decision going against him or neither he was suffering from any distraction. Time is ripe for him to be dropped from the NZ touring party and get another new face mostly Pujara and ask Sharma to get the temperament, attitude and moreover the self-belief right. Till then no place for him in the Indian cricket.

Written by Sam

February 12, 2009 at 9:08 am

14 Responses

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  1. The argument which will be lobbed back will be he scored a century in each innings in this year’s Ranji.So don’t know how much good that did him.


    February 12, 2009 at 12:36 pm

  2. The argument that will be lobbed back is this < HREF="http://stats.cricinfo.com/ci/engine/records/averages/batting_bowling_by_team.html?id=4914;team=6;type=series" REL="nofollow">list<>But then again, why let facts get in the way of some Mumbai baiting.Cheers,


    February 12, 2009 at 1:24 pm

  3. Well Homer, time to accept that Rohit sharma isnt worth his place in the team for his form and not his origins. and goddamn this is not mumbai baiting…life exists beyond mumbai and there is more to cricket than mumbai too…so doesnt matter if he is from mumbai or delhi or bhagalpur, he s gotta make runs!!


    February 12, 2009 at 3:25 pm

  4. Soul, that cud be 1 of the arguments, but then that 100s shud hv helped him gaining confidence and scoring runs!! it didnt


    February 12, 2009 at 3:26 pm

  5. Sam_2,If the argument was about him not making runs alone, thats one thing.But the insinuation that because he hails from Mumbai, he is given a free pass, then that is unacceptable.Also, 3 innings, 2 not outs, highest score of 25, average of 44 – do we have enough data to substantiate the claim that he is in form or out of it?Cheers,


    February 12, 2009 at 3:38 pm

  6. to prove my point, lets go a bit back to 2008 and try to see his form 🙂not much hope either there sir. Its not about Mumbai, its about an individual.Why dont u speak something when i write in favor of Mr Tendulkar ? Doesnt Mumbai prem doesnt come in picture then ?why do u bring Mumbai always in picture ? Perhaps do u adore MNS and its rowdy chief ? so much so that some mention of one of its lesser players and u piss off ?u e1 favor likes of rahane and kulkarni in Tests over ssay like Pujara 🙂Get over facts man…its abt individual who is not performing. its not abt his origin or his team!!


    February 12, 2009 at 4:49 pm

  7. sam_2,Thanks for letting me know that I adore the MNS chief and that I prefer Kulkarni and Rahane over Pujara.. Seriously, I was oblivious to these “facts”.Silly me..Cheers,


    February 12, 2009 at 6:06 pm

  8. Sam_2I don’t quite understand your stance. First you say that Rohit Sharma is in the national team only because he hails from Mumbai. Then, when a counterpoint is thrown at you, you suddenly say “Its not about Mumbai, its about an individual.” and “why do u bring Mumbai always in picture ?” Uh, did you not start your post by dragging in the Mumbai factor? Like Homer said, if you are talking just about the run scoring part that is one thing. But you are not.And before you declare me as an MNS fan too I would like to say that I don’t hail from Mumbai or Delhi…I hail from India…


    February 12, 2009 at 11:41 pm

  9. well perhaps if a certain individual named tendulkar made way at the top of the order, rohit sharma could get more chances to show what he can do. And when he did have a chance to come up the order, skipper dhoni decided to get some batting practise and promoted himself up. so he couldnt do much in this series, and that was not entirely his fault. he had a cance in the final ODI, and he was guilty of throwing it away, I agree.


    February 13, 2009 at 1:48 am

  10. Some punch there Sam, like the toppings icing pizza pie.Wrote a much longer comment, but it didn’t post.In a nutshell about this Rohit nut:His face slouches, very unsportsmanlike. He has the enthusuiasm of a third umpire. Kambli seemed more sorted out in comparison. He’s an IPL boy. Likes clubbing i’m sure. Wish him success, god knows he needs da wishes. and some horses too.

    Naked Cricket

    February 13, 2009 at 7:11 am

  11. hey Gaurav, u got it right. even in NZ he would be a prime candidate for media to be photographed with babes!!


    February 13, 2009 at 3:53 pm

  12. Good suggestion Elvis…Tendulkar making way for Sharma 🙂 wishful thinking…


    February 13, 2009 at 3:54 pm

  13. never mind Homer


    February 13, 2009 at 3:56 pm

  14. Megha, i m still maintaining that my post was abt an individual…i dint even think in deep mind that mention of word Mumbai wud enrag somebody so much!!


    February 13, 2009 at 3:56 pm

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