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Blabba King resigns.

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Cricket is a great game of levels. A day it props you to the ascendency the next day it pulls you down. Not long back in Aug 2008, a 1-2 defeat and a lacklusture bowling performance by India’s greatest matchwinner Anil Kumble slid to his sunset of an illustrious career. That defeat was to SL under Mahela Jayewardene. Indians however went on to win the ODI series 3-2 .

And then SL went to struggle against meek oppositions. The teams once they hunt with cunning efficiency suddenly started to pose challenge to the Lanka. SL still won but the efficiency and ruthlessness wasn’t there. They almost lost the tri series in BD but won in Pakistan. And then the disaster followed.

India thumped SL 4-1 in the home ODI series and the home team slid to 3rd consecutive home series defeat in 3 yrs. Something which was unthinkable even in 90s when they were not as strong as they are / were in 2000. And the skipper was in false dawn. He was in denial. He suffered loss of form. Hit only 1 50 in last 17 innings (or 16). Yet he found himself in false dawn that he is in good nick and whatever. Dhoni left no stone unturned to ensure his team won 4-1 in a land where Indians choked even during peak days of Sachin, Saurav, Azhar and Kumble, Dravid. And what Jayewardene did to Anil Kumble, Dhoni did the same to MJ. The blabba king goes silent post Pakistan tour. SL is no Pakistan and skipper once gone never comes back.

Most prolly the next choice for skipper is obvious – Kumar Sangakara, but then he is untested on international front. And he has to don three duties now (if) : skipper, keeper and best batsman of the team. He is no Dhoni. But then Dhoni isn’t the best batsman India has. He can play with free mind cos he knows the test team has Fab Three plus Sehwag, Gambhir and Yuvraj. ODI team has Sehwag, Gambhir and Yuvraj ahead him. Sanga might not have that luxury. If Mahela is not the skipper then on his current form, he doesn’t deserve a place in the ODIs at least.

Here is what he blabbered may be for one last time:

In the best interests of the Sri Lanka team, I have decided to stand down as Sri Lanka captain after this Pakistan tour,” Jayewardene said in a statement. “This is something I have been considering for some time as it has been my long-held belief that my successor should have at least 18 months in the job to imprint his vision on the team for the 2011 World Cup.

“After much thought, I have concluded that the right time has now come for fresh leadership to takeover. It was not an easy decision to make because being the Sri Lanka captain has been the source of enormous pride. I am very grateful to have been granted the honour of leading the team during the last three years. I would like to extend a special thank-you to my team-mates for making the job so easy and fulfilling, to the Sri Lanka Cricket officials and selectors who placed their faith in me, and to family, friends and fans who have provided so much support. I look forward now to extending my full support to my successor and hope to play a major part in the team’s success during coming years as a batsman.

Good lord, we would now be saved from his monotonous speak unless he becomes MoM. But he did handle his part with grace. His high point was certainly the World Cup final of 2007. And in Tests it was 2-1 defeat to India and the draw in England in 2006. Besides that it’s the same old story for him in the Tests. Minnow wins and losses to major teams.

Written by Sam

February 11, 2009 at 8:27 am

3 Responses

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  1. sam, u got yr pound of flesh. mahela, from calm captain to camatose.

    Naked Cricket

    February 11, 2009 at 9:04 am

  2. yeah and my blog wud lost its popularity…when i blogged abt him got too many hits 🙂but now whom wud i blog abt…gotta find a bakra 🙂


    February 11, 2009 at 3:48 pm

  3. what about Dilshan becoming the next SL captain ? 😛


    February 12, 2009 at 7:07 am

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