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Kudos to BCCI and ICL!!

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As the first after-reactions of the terror attacks in Mumbai, the cricket in India has taken a hit. England have returned back home cancelling the 2 ODIs suffering a whitewash. ICL World Series is gone. IPL CL is postponed. Test leg of England might or might not happen. Cricket right now is last thing on our minds. We are yet to come out of the shocking terror attacks in Mumbai which is also the BCCI headquarters. Brabourne was supposed to host the final Test match and both teams were to be booked in Taj Colaba, which is under the fire from Pakistani terrorists. So were the 4 CL teams from India, Australia and England.

One thing that comes as a highlight here is BCCI didn’t supposedly exercise the so called muscle flexing in pestering the teams to stay on and play the series for monetary benefits. Perhaps they knew that nobody would be in a right frame of mind and with the upcoming elections in Delhi during the weekend and supposed threat from the ultras, the security cover for teams could haven’t been managed as well they might have to. BCCI assessed the situation well and let go of the cricket for the time being. And so did ICL. Kudos to them.

Written by Sam

November 28, 2008 at 3:43 am

Posted in BCCI, ICL, Mumbai, Terror attacks

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