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DHoni drama, SL series win and Q’s polarization

with 8 comments

So now when there is nothing for the media on senior debate to follow up on, they have targetted the hot and happening skipper Dhoni for the latest sensation. A small ‘disagreement’ is now blown up to as disgusting as ‘DHoni Resignation drama’…..Wish the media in India could grow up and concentrate on the game tomorrow rather than creating useless controversies in the team. Irfan would be feeling outsider in the team owing to this alleged drama…….

Suddenly England now seems to be hit hard by the enlightment drama and when they have suffered at the hands of umps in 3rd ODI, they feel the laws should be changed. If the same thing was concern, why not sign an agreement over the usage of flood lights before the series started ? Why now ?

SL have hammered Zimbabwe for 67 and have won the series. Great stuff. Minnow hunters. Not surprising if MJ would rant they are one of the best teams in the world with lots of positives out of this series agaisnt Zim……They next play against BD in BD :)…More wins and more points, climbing up the ODI rankings table….

WHat a joke…..

It seems that Q the passionate Pakistani blogger has been successful in polarizing bloggers against ME. Now nobody visits me or even comments on the shit posts, I write here. Thanks Q. You have all the power in the world to rant about BCCI or Indian cricket, but when I do I am biased and opinionated and anti – Pakistani. Wow double standards. Why dont u bother to keep ur views on world cricket to urself. Good for u if u dont polarize opinions against ME for my anti Pakistan tirades….

Written by Sam

November 22, 2008 at 11:51 am

8 Responses

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  1. I didn’t follow cricket these two days. Just came to know about the Dhoni “misunderstanding.”Media is a monster.England will make a mountain out of this now. Unfortunate because in the shrill wailing, facts are forgotten.


    November 22, 2008 at 5:40 pm

  2. Flintoff has only just found his voice. sure he’ll do a lotta twisted talking.

    Naked Cricket

    November 22, 2008 at 6:34 pm

  3. I was thinking the same thing about SL.In fact MJ after beating Zim in the first ODI was managerial enough to say that there were lot of areas that Sl had to improve.BTW, I read your blog everyday, but did not comment as I am having problems with my broadband.Cheers.


    November 23, 2008 at 12:02 am

  4. Dude… I do read your blog everyday… since you don’t interact on the comments, logically there is no point in commenting then isn’t it?Sam… email me… there are a few things I need to share about blogging.


    November 23, 2008 at 5:48 am

  5. Yeah Soul, the media in India is monster and the ones in England pretend to be innocent………for them anything which England wins is on top of world and anything they lose is just out of spirits of the world 🙂


    November 23, 2008 at 6:07 am

  6. Otty, i do have problems with ur comment form yet 😦


    November 23, 2008 at 6:08 am

  7. Yeah Gaurav, i feel Flintoff yet feels they could win the Kanpur ODI in fading light…it wud hv been interesting to know their reaction if England were in India s situation and vice versa 🙂


    November 23, 2008 at 6:08 am

  8. In a way you are right Scorpi 🙂 i wud be regular here…..May be no live action f cricket at my DTH has made me a bit reluctant to blog on cricket too 🙂Wud mail ya 🙂


    November 23, 2008 at 6:09 am

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