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Bunny Ponting

with 2 comments

How about Bhajji and Ishant Sharma naming Ricky Ponting as their bunnies together. Ponting has had absymal record in India, thanks to Bhajji and before Adelaide Oval 100, Ishant Sharma troubled Ponting in Australia. To add to his woes, he is coming straight out of the injury. Not enuff match practise. Distractions in form of Fishgate, a weak team and lack of experience are other issues in front of Ponting. Why dont Indian players esp bowlers or Sehwag start the mental disintergration job for Aussies ?

Would be interesting to see how tough minded Aussies cope with this ?

Written by Sam

September 12, 2008 at 2:47 pm

2 Responses

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  1. even if they name it or not…he is bunny…bunny…bunny…and not good at being bunny… 🙂

    straight point

    September 13, 2008 at 6:11 am

  2. he s now a bunny of 2 bowlers now :)…


    September 13, 2008 at 6:21 am

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