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Rahul Dravid

with 21 comments

Is the guy over or finished ? Should he retire and make way for geeks like Raina or Sharma ? Rahul Dravid, who not so long ago was the indian skipper and one of the mainstay of Indian batting in ODIs and Tests. He was the man who won us the series in West Indies after 35 years and in England after 21 years. Mean achievements ah ?

And not to mention a superb run with the bat during Ganguly’s era. Hand in epic victories in Adelaide, Headingley, Perth (greatest of all overseas win), RawalPindi, West Indies and many such far away neverlands where India was never successful historically. He has been struggling for runs this year and the last year. He has been looked pedestal against the likes of Mendis and every cheating Muralitharan, but that doesnt take away the gloss away off a superb batting career for India.

He has been the captain who has been under severest of media scrutiny and undue pressure from ex-cricketers who were like a whiff of sand before him. He had to deal with the tantrums of an ego rich coach in Greg Chappell and then deal with the post world cup failure of 2007 and a coach less period for most part of 2007.

I dont think Dravid has finished or should retire now or in a year. He is just 35 and the law of averages has stuck him for the first time in 9 years. Thats fair. Every batsman goes through a high or a low and this is not a new phenomenon. Going on since 1876 when Test cricket began. The crap media scrutiny has began few years back. He has had to face most of the scrutiny in the past 3 years since the era of Ganguly as captain ended. First he was hailed for his winning ways with Chappell, then he was accused of plotting SG s down fall which appeared kiddish to me. The blokes have played their test cricket and odis together like conjoined twins. They have been delight to watch and the media goons got nothing better than plotting 1 against the other.

And then Dravid was compared to peerless Tendulkar. They both dont compete against each other, they play with each other. No other pair has ever made more runs for 3rd wkt partnership than the peerless pair of Tendulkar and Dravid. Occasional success of over enthusiastics like Raina and Sharma cant force the man of stature liek Dravid to go back and call curtains on his peerless career. And neither can any of the selector present or the future who were not even as half as good as the man from Bangalore himself.

I back Dravid totally to come good against his fav opposition in his home turf where he doesnt boast a very good record (60 in 2004 against Aus is his highest), yet he would overcome his nerves and resucrrect his career for another 2-3 years. Critics better watch out and be prepared to fag yourself in the dust bowl nearby.

Written by Sam

September 5, 2008 at 2:09 pm

21 Responses

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  1. AB – Reading any pro RD material is refreshing. Enjoyed yr piece. But now RD gotta make peace with himself – there are still demons in there. And TV makes it plain obvious for all – the bad patch has happened at an impatient time in indian cricket. He needs to work on his mind, as also on his PR. btw do swing by http://boredcricketcrazyindians.blogspot.com/cheers!

    Naked Cricket

    September 5, 2008 at 3:00 pm

  2. Buzz,Rahul Dravid has been the mainstay of Indian batting for the last decade. He was a great batsman. You can never compare him with the Raina’s and Sharma’s. He was my favorite for a long time.I feel his loss of form is all in the mind. He has not been himself since he gave away the captaincy. He has to get it right in his head. BTW I feel that players should retire when they are playing well. I don’t want a player of RD’s stature kicked out by the good for nothing selectors. And looking at his current form, the selectors will soon kick him out.


    September 5, 2008 at 3:21 pm

  3. Definitely! I’ve been a huge fan ever since the WC ’99 – very committed cricketer and awe-inspiring in a very different way. He’s had a bad 1.5 years, but I think the problem is in the mind. He needs to overcome the post-captaincy post-IPL dramas. Some of the folks who are piping the Sharmas and Uthappas don’t know what they’re talking about. At the moment and for long there will be no replacement for Dravs.


    September 5, 2008 at 4:12 pm

  4. Trideep, kicking Dravid out of Tests ? aisa koi mai ka lal nahi bana hai :))There shud be a logic behind suggestion to retire for a cricketer. bad patches go and come. doesnt mean that after every bad patch a cricketer shud retire.And if he does retire or is kicked out, then who s gonna repalce him ? i dont see nebody, sorry to say this.


    September 5, 2008 at 4:15 pm

  5. Wait till 1st test NC, RD shall bounce back with bang and shut his critics mouth for good. he isnt amongst those who would chicken out without a fight


    September 5, 2008 at 4:16 pm

  6. Dravid cannot be kicked now.. There is nobody to replace him. But he is past his best. I know that he will bounce back. But that will not be any where near his best that we are used to see. Hence I think its better for him if he decides to retire himself rather than the selectors telling him to. Not now.. but soon. Just like Mcgrath or Warne. Even they didnt have replacements. But they retired when they were good enough to carry on.


    September 5, 2008 at 4:18 pm

  7. Agree with u minerva totally. Its all in RD s mind. A break from intl cricket wud work wonders for him and a stint in Buch babu tourney wud help him get his rythm back 🙂


    September 5, 2008 at 4:18 pm

  8. McGrath and Warne were 37+. Dravid is 35.. and how do u say he is past his best ? in terms of fluency ? is it in terms of concentration or runs making ?i dont understand what ppl mean when they say somebody is past the prime.that to me is just a misnomer. this is the first slump in his career of 12 yrs. And thats perfectly ok. No big deal.


    September 5, 2008 at 4:28 pm

  9. Even after 37 they were good enof to play for another yr or two. My only point is I dont want RD to be kicked out. I saw how Mallya treated him during IPL. I dont want our selectors to treat him like that. It will be too heartbreaking. If RD had this slump when he was 30 I wouldn’t have had any prob. But at 35, we wont get to see his best again. By prime means when a player is at his best.. For a cricketer that comes at 30… not at 35. At 35.. any player only goes thru a downward path.I hate to say this but I think RD is past his best.


    September 5, 2008 at 4:33 pm

  10. Mallaya was and is an ass a big hole. He is sucker for money and for him thats all matters, notin else.i dont agree with u here. RD is a delight to watch and by the time SL tours India next yr he wud hv cracked the Mendis puzzle.


    September 5, 2008 at 4:38 pm

  11. Buzz, I agree with you.1. Mallya is an asshole2. RD is an delight to watch 3. RD might have cracked Mendis.But will he be what he was 3 yrs back?


    September 5, 2008 at 4:40 pm

  12. Yes why not. Who knows he wud be even better. Didnt AK take more wkts than his pre shoulder inury days ? or for that matter Warne in post ban days (317 wkts in 3 and half yrs later) as compared to 391 in first 10 years.so the age theory doesnt work. Brian Lara was a delight to watch even in his 38s or 39s and so is Saantha Jayasuriya. And RD is way better than SJ or BC


    September 5, 2008 at 4:43 pm

  13. I hope what you say is correct. I would definitely be a very happy man then. But I still have my reservations. Only time will tell.


    September 5, 2008 at 4:45 pm

  14. Yeah true TRideep, lets be hopeful RD turns the tables and comes out good out of this crisis for him.


    September 5, 2008 at 5:06 pm

  15. RD is and will be greatest batsmen of this era and i value him more that sachin for the simple reason that he has won and saved more matches than all of rest three put together…and i still feel he is not given his due credit he deserves more than anybody in this game…however everybody is doomed to fall from his prime…even he will acknowledge this…he is not same he used to be…mind is as good as body which occupies it…if your mind says run two mile and limbs are not approving of you cant…RD has been having this slight bad patch for largely 2 years…for past 3 series he is averaging minus 20 his career average…the decline is steep and downward…minus 20 is very big margin for any world class player… now my question to all you guys is that when a player can not revert the drift in almost past 2 years series after series…how he can suddenly magically turn this in coming series…?i would love to have this magic potion…and give it to other three too…

    straight point

    September 6, 2008 at 7:28 am

  16. All i would say SP is wait and watch. Its always dangerous to write players off and then eat back words when they strike back.2006 was supposed to be strike off yr for Ganguly, but then he did make a glorious comeback. didnt he.so i wud say is wait n watch 🙂


    September 6, 2008 at 8:23 am

  17. …and since then ganguly is creating ripples with his batting and topping all charts…ignoring oz series of his than sa and than SL series too… one score of note and we will all jump up and down and say that look he is back while ignoring past couple of years went down the drain…have you ever wondered why india never win back to back test matches…?you must have heard this adage thatexceptions only proves the rule…

    straight point

    September 6, 2008 at 9:15 am

  18. SP you mean to say that if we kick this seniors out of the team and induct fresh faces, the problems would be solved ?And they would start winning back to back Test matches ?You think the younger lot has the patience and stamins to last for 5 days in cricket field?wont their gfs and agents call them in mid match to appear for this ad and that fashion show ?


    September 6, 2008 at 9:26 am

  19. agent analogy is very funny…buzzz…rofl…sir how would you know if you wont throw them in heat…it can not be coincidence that we won first series in 25 odd years from pak at home…and beaten pak in pak and who were stars of that win everybody knew…maiden CB series in oz…and dont say that we won coz of sachin…he along with other had many visits there in their prime and never won it before…and now won in SL after again 26 years…lets give them credit for that coz had they failed most of us would have made fun of them…it was like most were waiting for them to fail after disastrous test series…next logical step is test…and we wont know if we can do it…<>but what we know for sure that with all the pedigreed pros we could not…<>cheers!!

    straight point

    September 6, 2008 at 10:12 am

  20. Winners of Pak in Pak 4-1 : Tendulkar masterpiece in Peshawar and Pindi. Yuvrraj and Dhoni s partnership and of course Dravid. this is in 2006.CB Series win in 2008 : Sachin Tendulkar masterpiece in finals. Yes Sachin Tendulkar.We gave chance to Yuvraj — in Pakistan series at home and then we discussed who is better VVS or YS. Aussie tour both played. VVS continued his magic agaisnt Aussies and YS failed.Sharma got the chance to impress the selectors in ODI series barring a 32 he hasnt had anything to play for. Had he been commmitted he wud have played in one of the domestic tourneys before Oz series. For that matter club cricket in Mumbai too wud hv suficed. But dood is not playingAnd so is Yuvraj and Raina. Seniors are playing when they have huge experience of 100+ tests and this lads with experience of even < 100 days take themselves to be over the game ? haha, they aint creditworthy for nething.


    September 6, 2008 at 1:35 pm

  21. Aha! Sadly, I seemed to have missed most of this discussion. Don’t have much to add expect, that it was good one to read. Thanks folks!


    September 6, 2008 at 5:13 pm

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