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India s series win and DON s centenary

with 3 comments

I return full fledged to the world of cricket blog. And a good day to return when :
  • Sir DON Bradman completes centenary of his life.

  • India win an elusive ODI series win in SL for first time in 23 years.

Sir Don Bradman till date remains the greatest ever batsmen to have played the game to date. Critics might argue that he scored 5028 of his 6996 runs against one team of the 5 teams who played Test cricket in his times. But then it takes guts and challenge to score 5028 runs in 37 Tests against a single team.

The debate of the playing conditions then and now, the question of Don having played one dimensional bowlers more than variety of bowlers in his time would always rage but his aura and fame wont fade an inch. The fact that 60 years hence he played his last test, no batsmen till date has managed to reach the average of 65 in Test cricket says the huge difference between the class of Don and the rest of the Test batsmen.

India s win in SL ODi series is sure to rekindle the age old debate of senior Vs junior players in the Test team. And after failure of the GODs of Indian batting in Tests and “success” of the rookies in the ODI series, its but natural for the media to start the debate on their prime time shows. and yes there would be calls to replace Anil Kumble as Test captain with MS as well.

By the way I missed writing blogs on cricket hugely. But now I feel I am up for it and write it with more regularity.

Written by Sam

August 27, 2008 at 5:43 pm

3 Responses

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  1. good time to return to community…the way you commented on mine gives me the impression that you are an o’pro…and i share SB suspicion that you are tubby of zooter…please end this suspense…

    straight point

    August 28, 2008 at 6:04 am

  2. And nothing like a suspense, right here ?


    August 28, 2008 at 2:24 pm

  3. Yes I am the same one.


    August 28, 2008 at 2:24 pm

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